jackblack86 5 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 Was fishing for a bit at west lakes near west lakes blvd on sat and sun arvo. Managed to catch and release some undersize KG whiting, mullet and bream. Pulled in a few tommies and even live baited a shittie. On Sunday managed to catch and release a 26cm bream.All in all a mixed bag and at least they were biting. What disgusted me though were the people around us dumping rubbish either in the water or on the bank when a bin was less than 20m away.Even worse was the taking of undersize fish by everyone around us. There were bream and whiting pushing 20cm that were being thrown in buckets. This was on both days fishing. When I approached some other fishers to inform them that there are legal size limits on the fish they were catching, I was politely told to "mind my own business". It shits me that it is so easy for these people to get away with what they are doing all too frequently. (saw same family on both days).Do these people not understand how to fish for the future? trevally 3.9, snake, trihull and 2 others 5 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
samboman 319 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 Has been happening for years, have told people before about limits same deal got told to mind my own busines... " BAM" just kick the bucket in lol Have kicked a few in now Sambo trihull, urhookedfish and withoutchips 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jackblack86 5 Posted February 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 After I pulled in the 25cm bream I had comments from people around me like "just need to step on the ##%+ to make him fit" Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Boyington214 0 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 These people who take undersized fish absolutely sicken me. I've seen it a few times. Politely reminded the offenders about regulations and recieved replies from 'Oh Really?' to 'No speeka Eenglish' to violent responses. Having said that, I saw your SB posts this morning JB86. Good luck mate! Hope you get there and sort some of these people out. urhookedfish 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Tacklebags 404 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 I dislike these acts as much as the pro exclusion movement of conservationists.I have looked at it from the perspective of perhaps fishers need to be excluded because too many have such a poor attitiude?But then I look at the fish I and many others have released successfully and all those who do their best to conform and maintain stocks and I think 'no' proper policing that includes fishwatch initiatives from the public and education of our future generations comes before blanket bans that include those who do the right thing.Had my run-ins before.....best to take down details if possible. Include regos then call PIRSA and hope they have the spare resources at the time.TB Quote Link to post Share on other sites
samboman 319 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 I dislike these acts as much as the pro exclusion movement of conservationists.I have looked at it from the perspective of perhaps fishers need to be excluded because too many have such a poor attitiude?But then I look at the fish I and many others have released successfully and all those who do their best to conform and maintain stocks and I think 'no' proper policing that includes fishwatch initiatives from the public and education of our future generations comes before blanket bans that include those who do the right thing.Had my run-ins before.....best to take down details if possible. Include regos then call PIRSA and hope they have the spare resources at the time.TBHave called FISHWATCH many times.... waste of time though, cause the offenders are gone before fisheries rock up.... need an instant respones or don't bother.... I must have called around 8 times and not once have they showed up before offenders left...Sambo Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jackblack86 5 Posted February 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 I know that pirsa resources are probably pretty stretched and they have bigger fish to fry (pardon the pun) but it has to be known around the community that they can rock up anywhere, anytime and frequently. The reason these people do it is because they get away with it. The worst was seeing a family with two kids catching and keeping fish. I mentioned to one of the kids that the bream she was holding was very small and she should put it back in the water to fight another day. She asked why... I told her about size limits and the law and reasons why to release it. She didn't even know there wereMinimum size limits.... What are the parents teaching? That if you catch a fish, it goes in the bucket? Regardless of size or species? urhookedfish 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Tacklebags 404 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 I know that pirsa resources are probably pretty stretched and they have bigger fish to fry (pardon the pun) but it has to be known around the community that they can rock up anywhere' date=' anytime and frequently. The reason these people do it is because they get away with it. The worst was seeing a family with two kids catching and keeping fish. I mentioned to one of the kids that the bream she was holding was very small and she should put it back in the water to fight another day. She asked why... I told her about size limits and the law and reasons why to release it. She didn't even know there wereMinimum size limits.... What are the parents teaching? That if you catch a fish, it goes in the bucket? Regardless of size or species?[/quote']Not how I am teaching my kids...All gov department are restircted by resources and the lack of policing only gives the conservation movement more ammo.The fishwatch program could successfully negate this problem a lot. Problem is many fishers will no longer waste the cost of a phone call anymore because there are little resoruces to act.Ultimately we need a government who is prepared to put there money where their mouth is....not place blanket bans as a means of regulation.IMHO bans only disassociate human interaction with the marine environment. This only creates more ignorance of environmental issues and will not solve them.TB urhookedfish 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger 48 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 People are their own worst enemies!Whenever we gain anything, it is always abused until we lose it, then the complaints start about authority and injustice.It's not just fishing, it's across the board.Have you seen how many disabled stickers are displayed in vehicles these days? I'm amazed at how sickly our population has gotten.........or are there those who are rorting the system?The numbers claiming centrelink allowances, and the frequent numbers being busted for abusing the system!Those who exceed the 0.05 driving law, ignore posted speed restrictions, talk on mobile phones while driving!The amount of grafitti and mindless vandalism of property!The list goes on and on!Wherever there is a law, there are also those who will disregard it or abuse it.I'm a bit like Samboman, tempted to just kick the bucket into the water and confront the people. This is NOT the course of action I would or could recommend though, as you then place yourself in a situation none of us need, and you too could be confronted by the law over it.I can only recommend having fishwatch in your speed dial, and pick up the phone everytime, whether they attend or not. At least the complaint is lodged, and it may just lead to the area being patrolled more frequently if enough complaints are registered. If nothing else, it at least shows the number of concerned and law abiding fishos out there! urhookedfish and Chief 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jaffa 81 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 Afternoon all, I reckon you should photograph them & their bucket of fish. Cameras have date stamped photos these days & should be sufficient to prove the offence. I have done it with hoons & usually they don`t contest. Cheers Quote Link to post Share on other sites
samboman 319 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 People are their own worst enemies!Whenever we gain anything' date=' it is always abused until we lose it, then the complaints start about authority and injustice.It's not just fishing, it's across the board.Have you seen how many disabled stickers are displayed in vehicles these days? I'm amazed at how sickly our population has gotten.........or are there those who are rorting the system?The numbers claiming centrelink allowances, and the frequent numbers being busted for abusing the system!Those who exceed the 0.05 driving law, ignore posted speed restrictions, talk on mobile phones while driving!The amount of grafitti and mindless vandalism of property!The list goes on and on!Wherever there is a law, there are also those who will disregard it or abuse it.I'm a bit like Samboman, tempted to just kick the bucket into the water and confront the people. This is NOT the course of action I would or could recommend though, as you then place yourself in a situation none of us need, and you too could be confronted by the law over it.I can only recommend having fishwatch in your speed dial, and pick up the phone everytime, whether they attend or not. At least the complaint is lodged, and it may just lead to the area being patrolled more frequently if enough complaints are registered. If nothing else, it at least shows the number of concerned and law abiding fishos out there![/quote']I fish West Lakes ALOT and have never seen a fishwatch patrol anywhere around there.... I have been fishing for along time, and have never been checked by anyone... The only place i have seen 1 ! is at St Kilda...Not very good, Just seems like a big waste of tax payers money...Sambo Quote Link to post Share on other sites
fridge 6 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 this could be start i wonder if they mind you having a fish at the same time http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=fishcare&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CEYQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pir.sa.gov.au%2Ffisheries%2Frecreational_fishing%2Ffishcare_volunteers2&ei=hog4T97GLaGZiQff-JiiAg&usg=AFQjCNH-489ujjSFIeu-UyS-rxUBWs9BFw Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jackblack86 5 Posted February 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 I fish West Lakes ALOT and have never seen a fishwatch patrol anywhere around there.... I have been fishing for along time' date=' and have never been checked by anyone... The only place i have seen 1 ! is at St Kilda...Not very good, Just seems like a big waste of tax payers money...Sambo[/quote']I'm with sambo on this one, I've been fishing for 20 years and seen fisheries inspections only twice. Once at semaphore and once at port Hughes. Never any prescence at west lakes. Dunno if it's a waste of taxpayers money but looking from the outside I think it could be better applied.Ranger- you are 100% correct about the issue, people bend and break rules wherever it may be. But education can start young and hopefully kids can be shown the effects of bad fishing practices. For the ones that can't be educated come down hard, wether it is a solitary fisherman or a commercial operation ,word will get around and less people will take the risk.It's a great feeling to catch a fish but a greater feeling to watch it swim away! Tacklebags 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jackblack86 5 Posted February 12, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 this could be start i wonder if they mind you having a fish at the same time http://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=fishcare&source=web&cd=4&ved=0CEYQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.pir.sa.gov.au%2Ffisheries%2Frecreational_fishing%2Ffishcare_volunteers2&ei=hog4T97GLaGZiQff-JiiAg&usg=AFQjCNH-489ujjSFIeu-UyS-rxUBWs9BFwReckon you could be showing people correct fishing techniques or correct catch and release techniques :woohoo: I think I might join though, pity you can't fine people as well! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger 48 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 For the ones that can't be educated come down hard' date=' wether it is a solitary fisherman or a commercial operation ,word will get around and less people will take the risk.[/quote']I couldn't agree more!I think society has become too soft, catering to the wants, whinges and whines of every minority group, religion, association or body. It's all about freedom of speech, political correctness, rights and litigation these days, while we spend a fortune protecting those who do wrong, rather than punishing them.I go against the tide of public opinion, as I would much rather a police state than this "kid glove" treatment.Clamp down on those doing the wrong thing, with zero tolerance, and let it be known that if you cant do the time, you'd best think twice about doing the crime.The law abiding people have no need to fear, and it would certainly help to clean up our act, improve our neighbourhoods and protect the society we once had.People complain about Singapore being a police state, and how they would never want to see that attitude here, yet I found it to be a beautifully clean and manicured city, with peoples of all races and backgrounds from all over the world choosing to live there, mixing, and respecting each other. There was no grafitti, no litter, and surprisingly very little by way of police prescence that I could see.People there know to respect the laws, and should they choose otherwise, a good flogging tends to sort them out pretty quickly!I know many will argue with me, but I would look forward to tough sentences and corporal punishment to get this place back on track, and regain the Australia we were so proud of, instead of this namby pamby public rights and soft touch bullsh*t approach we see these days!People dont respect their neighbours, kids dont respect their parents, the community do not respect the laws, and those in positions of authority such as the police, teachers, etc seem to now get the least by way of respect.We were once a proud nation where people showed respect and helped each other, where no-one locked their doors and it was safe on the streets at all hours. Kids would give up their seats to the elderly, a stranger would carry groceries for a pregnant woman, children listened to their parents, police commanded respect, we would always stop to help anyone in need, and the country grew on this Australian spirit.Seems to me now it's all about being little America, where no-one shows respect, no-one can be trusted, people only care about themselves, and the laws of the country mean little to nothing.Rant done..........and I feel much better now! rollcast, urhookedfish and statesquider 3 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
trevally 3.9 0 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 of the last 30+ years I,ve been fishing , I have never had my catch checked(not that it needed to be). Quote Link to post Share on other sites
snake 1 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 I saw fisheries officers around Bower rd end last week while driving to work, they were dressed up like Swat team officers, put a smile on my face Quote Link to post Share on other sites
smokeykebab 175 Posted February 12, 2012 Report Share Posted February 12, 2012 I've seen fisheries once at the lake down at trimmer parade. they were very helpful giving me the fishing guide booklet and a free crab measure thing. But I always see people taking undersized fish a 20cm bream might have 100grams of meat on it I just don't get whats the point. I should tell them bread on a hook in the torrens will catch you 10kilos of prime meat. I feel more signs around the lake might help though, there's just one sign at trimmer a few more around might help. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Chief 706 Posted February 13, 2012 Report Share Posted February 13, 2012 Seems to me ..if you see any one with undersize fish in thier Buckets, on the beach or on the jetty would be a good time to First ring Fisheries and report it. THEN put on some HUGE hooks and steel trace and fish for sharkscos No Fisheries officers are gonna come and check Quote Link to post Share on other sites
King Ralph 0 Posted February 15, 2012 Report Share Posted February 15, 2012 After many years of fishing the Breakwater,Torrens Island and Port in general..............advising people of the law and their moral obligations to our fisheries..........having been told to F$@% off,P@!% off,threatened with knives on several occasions and shot at once............I reckon it's time for me to mind my own business,and let the (lack of) authorities go about their business.I'm well and truly over the "no speak English" brigade,ferals and the outright wankers, to bother about putting my own safety at risk.I have always,and always will obey the rules and regs.......no matter how "harsh" they may seem ( especially now as I enjoy the shark scene.........thankfully not local,but on Yorkes ).......but they are there for a "reason"..........always knowing that in the back of my mind,the first time I "flaunted the rules",I would get busted........meanwhile,the "rest" go on their merry way.Sometimes,having a conscience is a bitch Boyington214 and snake 2 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
yellowfin85 11 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 I go against the tide of public opinion' date=' as I would much rather a police state than this "kid glove" treatment.Clamp down on those doing the wrong thing, with zero tolerance, and let it be known that if you cant do the time, you'd best think twice about doing the crime.The law abiding people have no need to fear, and it would certainly help to clean up our act, improve our neighbourhoods and protect the society we once had.[/quote']be careful what you wish for. you haven't thought this through you would not want a police state, trust me. in theory yes "law abiding" people having nothing to fear but if you give government complete control (by definition a police state gives government complete control) they can make anything illegal. maybe something that you enjoy doing now legal for example say I don't know shark fishing. think about it the Nazi's were the legal government of germany did that make the law right? no once the regime collapsed anyone who followed the law had to answer for it lateralso yes people keeping undersize fish and keeping to bag and boat limits is annoying. but compared to what commercial fisheries take it's a drop in the ocean. you should be more worried about commercial fishing for depleting our fish stocks.the answer is no laws or restrictions against individuals (except for law of the land - no stealing, cheating, killing or voilence, etc) more restrictions on corporations and companies. also think about how much waste massive corporations dump into oceans and waterways! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Savagelip 4 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 Ring the police, just don't let on lol :evil: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger 48 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 be careful what you wish for. you haven't thought this through you would not want a police state' date=' trust me. in theory yes "law abiding" people having nothing to fear but if you give government complete control (by definition a police state gives government complete control) they can make anything illegal. [/quote']Ya know, one thing that really annoys me, is when members wont voice their opinion, simply because I'm a moderator and they dont want to disagree with me!Well I have to say that my ideas on life are maybe not always correct, there ARE other viewpoints, and I respect those who will stand up to air a contrary view or pull me up if they thing I am wrong or way off base!As I said earlier, my views on this go against common public opinion......and if I felt strongly enough on the subject, maybe I should be packing my bags and moving to Singapore instead of being a hypocrite and staying here bagging the Australian "softly softly" approach!Maybe in a police state I could apply to be one of the police? :cheer: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Ranger 48 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 threatened with knives on several occasions and shot at once............I'd like to hear more about this one, the circumstances, and the outcome! :ohmy: If someone were to ever take a potshot at me, especially over something as trivial as fishing, I would expect that they make that first shot count and aim very very carefully, coz I would certainly be defending myself with a vigour after that, and I would not rest until they were behind bars! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Trouta 6 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 Took the missus down west lakes early sunday morning for her first fish there and had about 5 drunken yobbos staying in a apartment on the 5th floor pelting massive ice cubes at us very stupid and dangerous act, plus they were throwing them at people and cars who walked and was driving past, ill be packing my slingshot next time i go and return fire and 3 times the speed and see what they think of that :evil: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
snake 1 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 what the :c is going on in our society nowadays, a couple like trouta and his missus can't even go fishing without a bunch of morons getting their kicks out of throwing dangerous missiles from 5 stories high without a hint of concern for the safety of complete strangers! And Why?? because the dogooders of our generation have tied the hands of parents, teachers, police and anything associated with the responsibilities of educating our youth from enforcing any type of punishment that can be used to teach our kids right from wrong without risk of being pulled before the courts as so called child abusers for nothing more than a smack on the bum. They can get away with bullying, swearing, vandalism, fighting etc. with nothing more than a 10min timeout in the naughty corner as punishment!!! They have no respect for adults because they get treated like adults instead of naughty little kids and soon learn that they can get away with this behaviour and suffer no consequence to make them think twice next time they step out of line! Its out of control and the last 10 years have reflected the lack of respect a small percent of our teens have for there teachers, parents and police who have lost all the rights past generations used to keep our children under control!! ( these unruly groups are still the minority, I believe there is more good than bad in this generation of youths today but sadly in years to come in may not be the minority it once was, Adelaide is becoming a scary place to be especially at night in the city, i've been witness to that first hand!) rant over ... cheers snake Boyington214 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
afishyfish 4 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 what the :c is going on in our society nowadays' date=' [/quote']Im getting way off topic here, but I blame ( at least in part ) a lack of leadership by our Pollies They DONT represent the people they should serve anymore in my opinion, nor do they set a good example as leaders in terms of ethics.Parents rights to bring their kids up the "old fashioned way " bareley exist anymore, meaning a lot of kids have little , if any structure to their lives, and not a lot of security to look forward too either.Without saying it's "right" why wouldnt they run amok in these circumstances :whistle: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
phear 0 Posted February 20, 2012 Report Share Posted February 20, 2012 i gotta say i agree with some of rangers points, i also agree with yellowfins points! somewhere in the middle would be great.i really think something does need to change in both areas of fishing the commercial and rec both need more people checking things and defiantly tougher regulations on the commercial catches as they are a joke atm!with some of the last comments about parents having there hands tied, im a younger guy at 26. i am fortunate i grew up with rules from my parents so i do understand consequences for doing the wrong thing and have values and beliefs but the younger generation are stuffed because of all these doo gooders getting there way with parents not being alowed to punish naughty children how are they meant to learn wright from wrong... i really dont want to know what its going to be like when i get to the age of 50 hopefully something will give between now and then but im not holding my breath! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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