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Showing content with the highest reputation since 13/09/10 in Images
Porties Storm Clouds!
BJSlick and 6 others reacted to southie THE BANGA for a gallery image
From the album: Bangas Pictures
© BJL Photography
7 points -
2 points
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
1 point
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
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1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
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1 point
1 point
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
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1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
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1 point
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish. (part 4)
1 point -
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
One very solid 8 lb 8 oz wild brown trout, Leven River 29th April 2018.
newtontoney reacted to Meppstas for a gallery image
From the album: My Rivers & Fish (part 3)
1 point -
My PB ever a brown trout of 8 lb 8 ozs, Leven River, 29th April 2018..
newtontoney reacted to Meppstas for a gallery image
From the album: My Rivers & Fish (part 3)
1 point -
1-My first PB Leven River brown. 5 lb 5 ozs
newtontoney reacted to Meppstas for a gallery image
From the album: My Rivers & Fish (part 3)
1 point -
1 point
From the album: My Rivers & Fish (part2)
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1 point
1 point
Convention Beach Salmon
bjorn2fish reacted to kerrjk for a gallery image
1 point -
Biggest carp : unweighed 82cm on 3lb leader, 4lb braid. 2500 sol 1 and 2/6lb t-curve. Epic!!
NateDogg4Life reacted to Brankim for a gallery image
From the album: Biggest unweighted carp on 4lb leader / braid
Torrens river St. Peter's. Alive and well1 point -
1 point
From the album: Untitled Album
Not bad for 3 hours on 1lb braid, 2lb leader1 point -
From the album: Untitled Album
Torrens again, and not the biggest of the day1 point -
1 point
Onkaparinga bream 36cm on plastics
Brankim reacted to bjorn2fish for a gallery image
From the album: Onka
My PB bream on plastics1 point