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About greasy_e

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  1. good to see they're comin about! been keen as for weather to warm up
  2. hey lads, so conditions are lookin good next few nights, people worming at all? what's the best time? cheers
  3. well June next year I'm in Mexico and doin a deep sea fishing charter so that'll bloody prove if I'm bad luck!!
  4. I'm using a set up similar, got a 7 foot graphite shimano SSS series I think it is, a little heavier braid and trace though. might have a trip to cbf come payday! this is all great advice and such a big help thanks, appreciate it
  5. cheers mate and yeah that's what I'm mostly goin for:) what rig set up would you use for that?
  6. cheers everyone for your help I guess i just gotta keep at it and maybe target a certain species! I'll give it a lash when the weather stops p*****g on us!☔️
  7. yes and no haha and yeah I know the feeling I'll spend hours looking through all different fishing videos and sites, I'm waiting for the misses to get me on mark bergs fishing addiction! that'd be handy
  8. so fresh bait you think would give a better chance? coz honestly that's probably nailed me in the last bit, frozen cockles and or pillies and away we go hoping for anything haha making sense now cheers
  9. so I wouldn't say I'm a mad fisho like some of you but I do love my fishing and I give it a fair crack, I keep an eye out with topics throughout this forum for tips etc. I've been fishing atleast once a week for a month or so, doing all the right things with tides and burley at times and baits and lures- sp's and hard bodies. but yet no fish. I've been out at st kilda on the rocks as well as behind the shop there and outer harbour in a few different spots, all i ever get is 6 inch long kgw's and that's about it really, any extra advice? tips or spots? just gettin little frustrated
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