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Moggy23 last won the day on September 22 2016

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About Moggy23

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    Angle Vale

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  1. Costs Yea we all look at costs, but if we added up all the costs we do in life, we probably end up with depression. Don't look too closely at the cost of fishin, just get out & do it. you'll be healthier, hope fully smarter & may save money from the more expensive hobbies out there. So the negatives are turn into positives
  2. The beauty of marine insurance of an inboard powered vessel that a marine mechanic or shipwright has to do a condition report for the insurance company every 3 - 4 yrs. Any problems or incorrect workmanship has be repaired or rectified. I'd say the timber may have had diesel soaked into it.
  3. Run a busbar for all ya earths or earth it out direct to battery
  4. I don't buy bait these days, squid catches are separated into hoods for the wife, tentacles & heads for bait. Whiting heads & frames are kept for a berley grind up day or snapper bait If I can get onto slimies, even better for bait After a day of fishing all thawed out bait goes back in the bait freezer for the berley mix Every year I end up with about 10 2 ltr buckets of berley
  5. On the day in question I use the Fishing Log program which is based of the BOM site was Outer Harbor 9.20 am - 1.64 mtrs Pt Noarlunga 9.11 - 1.33 To me this is fairly normal as the tides change by time & height up & down the gulf, also west to east of the state The only place that seams to get out of sync from time to time is Cape Elizabeth
  6. GEE. thanks guys, hope to try them out in a couple weeks, always wanted a Swivel's Original SA Fish Measure. Thanks to Fishingwholesalers supporting the site & members PS Strike & Hook too
  7. Found one at the bottom using the search option http://www.strikehook.com/index.php/topic/23112-finessing/?hl=%2Byellow+%2Bfin+%2Bwhiting
  8. Heres one http://www.strikehook.com/index.php/topic/25059-salmon-comp-time/ Found it in the tags below, easy as
  9. I had a Symetre 3000 that started getting very noisy, decided to dismantle it & found it was the bail roller bearing which Sport Fishing Scene had in stock. Replaced, all quite now. The Sienna's have a bushed bail roller & will last forever. glengood87 BCF should replace yours. if your lucky, I do find some braids are noisier than others too.
  10. Was goin, but conflicted with other plans. Will be interesting with such a small ramp area & car park to the point of lanuchin at around 2 am to sleep on the boat untill about 4.30, then head of into the Blue Waters. Goodluck to thoses goin
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