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yellow door 1

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Everything posted by yellow door 1

  1. I have made one with internal ballast - so its self cocking - but I havent looked into end caps you can remove before. And suggestions on what those caps should be made from would be welcome Just googled up these silicon inserts which would do it if I could find a diametre match for my straws
  2. And the float takes about 2.3 gram or 1/12th of an ounce, to get it up right (left a little wiggle room for using with heavy scrub worms)
  3. https://www.kmart.com.au/product/active-mens-outdoor-parka-puffer-jacket-s151607/?selectedSwatch=&size= If you do have to stand still and fish in winter - this $50 Kmart puffer jacket is a game changer. If you havent tried puffer jackets before - give em a go - Ive forgotten what cold is since I bought one this year
  4. Yeah I should have dropped 2 worms into water - one in fresh rain water and 1 salt water solution - 35 grams of salt, in a litre of fresh, is supposed to be the right recipe for ocean water. But I got side tracked with the salting process...... The scrubby I dropped into dry salt stopped moving very quick
  5. Bit of shrinkage and they toughened up a bit but I think I’ll stick to fresh and alive
  6. Soaked them over night with no noticeable leaks and just did a test took 6.8kg of pull and the swivel still held - the straw actually snapped in half first
  7. I have tried garden worms in salt water and was a waste of time - die very quickly and became soggy. Although many years ago I use garden worms in the Patawalonga between the lock and 1st bridge and hooked up Bream. Maybe due to some fresh water in the Pat helped the worms to live a little longer. Also tried Catchall Crawlers (good for Sea and fresh water) - wasn't impressed with them either - died quickly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have mucked around with garden worms.
  8. Salmon mullet and flounder have also been mentioned
  9. Just asked the question on a few facebook pages and alot of people mention bream Other mentions are Garfish, trevally, KG whiting, flatties, snapper, pinkies and small Jewies .....- to be continued.......
  10. Great question Malb - Thats something I was wondering about aswell. I know estuarine species like bream love them but I havent used them out in the bay. I have seen a guy slaying grass whiting on them in pure salt water but I wonder what other whiting think of them
  11. One innovative use of plastic that never fails is the old dust pan worm collecter - just head to the local car park and start scooping em up - got about 80 from this stretch - some big boys in amoungst them
  12. Haha - Yeah I havent used it yet - so im not sure how it will go during the water trials
  13. Plastic drinking straw Hot glue end caps with a swivel shoved in Red heat shrink indicator
  14. No worries- that super subtle tail has got me intrigued for super slow wiggly presentations.
  15. actually if you chose the 35mm option you get 50 for $3 - so I went with the pumpkin seed and the white. I reckon they'd be good on the little drop shot rigs I use aswell
  16. No worries mate - seems like anything associated with "Ajing" fishing comes with a hefty price tag. So heres the ali express version - $2.24 for a 20 pack sound more reasonable than some other prices I found https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000197310472.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.6ae936c7mv0SVU&algo_pvid=0e6c14a4-9729-4306-b500-be9bbb5116fe&algo_exp_id=0e6c14a4-9729-4306-b500-be9bbb5116fe-3&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000023673453498"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!AUD!!2.24!!!!!%40210318cb16567613125867579e9b68!12000023673453498!sea
  17. I suck at gars on lures - the guy who caught that one said it was " a mebaru oboro plastic and a small ecogear jighead unsure of what size tho. Cheers" The guys who use these lures fish ultra light tackle and tiny lures - the style is referred to as "Ajing" i believe
  18. Here’s the things they come up to feed on around piers light at night
  19. Yeah when I asked what lures to use for gars, there were plenty of blokes listing all the lures they have got them on - but very few photos. Ive mouth hooked one on a little thin metal lure while chasing salmon. But when I burleyed them up and tried lures, they werent effective for me. So I just whipped out the chicken hunks and started landing them quite freely. If I was going to target them again with lures I'd be using something very similar to this
  20. Heres some footage of gars gnawing on weed - I wonder if they are stripping it for little bugs and snails etc or whether they just like salad. That pointy beak and up turned mouth suggests they do a fair bit of hunting aswell. Lots of guys swear by lures to catch them but I have found it no where near as effective as bait and burley. (I did give up pretty quick on the lures though)
  21. And the bit of wire on the stick was vital too. Once everything gets coated in tuna oil - those plastic stoppers get slippery and hard to pull out - so you need pliers, teeth or a hole drilled through and wire on a stick to get them back out. My guru used to custom turn wooden end plugs on a lathe. They were shaped like a mushroom so they were always easy to pull out no matter how slimey your hands were
  22. I eventually drilled straight through and added foam so there would be no line hanging outside the cage to catch my hook while casting
  23. Some floats need a bit of tweaking and adjustment of casting styles to avoid tangles while casting. But once you get in the rhythm, it can be quite effective. While its difficult to fish 2 rods at once effectively - it might be worth trialing both methods against each other to see which one you like. A light float very a burley float. Bring a towel and have a bucket of water to wash your hands, as gar fishing, especially burley floating, can be a dirty labour intensive style of fishing And always keep their bum pointed away from you when giving them a squeeze while removing the
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