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About voogoofish

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 23/10/1974

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  1. wow... I wonder if the can was faulty... ???either way a bit of a warning... they are under pressure!
  2. there's a reason our stories are called "fishy" stories, so witnesses to help lol
  3. never believe the news...
  4. Awesome advice from someone who obviously knows cameras Hmm tried the 45 degree angle with flash but maybe tilting the fish so the shine away might be worth a shot or shooting from a different angle as you suggest. I do own a 430EXll flash, and the soft box seems cheap enough to try (at least one I googled anyways...)I've heard alot about these "nifty 50's" lenses is that what you're talking about? they seem cheap too will they help eliminate the extremes too??
  5. the first one is (obviously) the disaster... as you can see the fish shines and all else is terrible.the one below shows a smaller fish I took, but with the flash and a bit of light it came out well!
  6. tis a good read, but it's still the pitch black that gets me... funny all his photos are low light sunset or just day... its pitch black that is hard or impossible (for me anyways)... we'll keep searching I hope!!!
  7. I'm reasonably good at taking photos when there is some light, but wen its totally dark (often when you get that big red or mully) the fish seems to shine too much and the person behind looks dull and terrible of course if you are releasing the fish you have a limited amount of time to get it right, and even if you are keeping it once it hits the esky the "fresh" look of the fis is lost forever...Any Advice with those sort of shots? I have an EOS, a fn adjustable flash that can tilt etc and different lenses... any advice is good advice.
  8. I think I know what you're asking... blow up balloon, snip off the 'lippy' section and then create a loop (not a knot) at the depth you want your bait to sit below the balloon... then tie another knot in balloon around the loop of your trace... perfect crime as line pulls free as shark (or whatever) hits you and its just you, the fish and a straight tight line!
  9. hmmmm i wnder if any guys in the know... know ???
  10. IMO till the pupate... then get more!!!!
  11. squidgies for me... pilly colour the bomb in the brine.
  12. Does anyone know where the imported cockles come from??? someone told me Vietnam??? is that correct???
  13. great shot... good colors
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