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  1. Do you have one for Farmbeach at Coffin Bay
  2. Hi keenfishoAre you able to send me any details?
  3. HelloI would like to buy an electric mincer to mince up fish carcasses etc for burley of course. There seems to be plenty on the market but I don't want to spend 100's of dollars. Can anyone recommend a brand that would be suitable for making burley and strong enough to last.
  4. Hi thanks for all that information - Thinking about doing this course I am very interested - I only have a small boat - do you need to go go out deep from Brighton or are you fairly close to shore
  5. HelloMy partner and I will be at pt turton in the next week. We are new at snapper fishing? Heard there are snapper reefs there. Any clues were?And does anybody know if the whiting is biting???
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