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Posts posted by nick.

  1. Lets do an experiment.someone catch a bird, see what it does, someone catch a cat, we've got the answer for the dog, someone catch a mouse, someone catch a lion, leopard (that'd be a nice fight), cow, rabbit, someone catch a sheep and some one catch their wife.pm me the results and we might get some where in solving this mystery.

  2. Just putting it out there....Based on no research what so ever....but why would a fish pull as hard as it can against a hook if it hurts it?...on the other hand, when they're layin on hot pavement they flip around like all hell...stupid things.So really, there was no point to this post, Ive just contredicted myself.So if you've just read this, im sorry for the inconvenience.cheers Nick.

  3. decisions, decisions!!!Now that ive decided that the heartland 4000 is out of my price bracket, im torn between a saros 4000f and a caldia x 3000, to match my 10-20lb tierra. Both are pretty similar. The caldia x is much lighter ofcourse, and has a better line capacity. But the saros has a hell good rep and is built pretty tough.So ill leave it up to you guys, your thoughts/experiences?, other suggestions?, features/faults with the two?

  4. Ive been trying to get my hands on some of the unitika univenture or silver thread saltwater2 braid in the 10lb for about 2 months now and im asking if anyone knows if/where i could get some as i would prefer not to get it over the net.cheers nick.

  5. Ive just got a letter from the council about the construction of Canoe/Dragon boat racing lanes stratching from the inlet to the rowing club on military road with start and finishing pontoons at each end, theres gonna be cabling running the whole way along and bouys spaced 10m apart, so it's gonna make it dam hard to be out there in the yak, especially when fishing for mullies. The letter says that its gonna get started this month and be finished by June, and parts of the lake will be closed during construction. I found a site that gives a little more http://www.ministers.sa.gov.au/news.php?id=1654]info.http://www.ministers.sa.gov.au/news.php?id=1654

  6. Ive got fish on pretty much every bream lure that ive tried, they'll take just about anything my brother's even had em smash matal spoons.got alot on the daiwa sc shiners in the gold and silvery colours and s/ps like the shrimp imo's

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