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  2. This time last year I was catching 20 plus big browns a session. Now it's a total ghost town. Did two days for 1 fish. Didn't even see a rise. Will try a few different rivers but I think it's all going to be the same. Not really a fan of fishing the lakes. Have been looking forward to the trout season opening up this year. Might have to continue targeting big cod.
  3. Hi Hunter, Yes mate big problems in the rivers, streams & lakes, it started early January and got worse each day from then on, we have an influx of Cormants around every four to five years here in Tassie. One day in the river I counted 72 Cormorants in the river, some of the small streams that I fish on private property have been cleaned out & it will more than likely take two to three years before they recover. The last three months of the trout season (8th February to 23rd April) I only had 10 trips to the rivers/streams for a total catch & release of 17 trout, it was just a was
  4. Hey mate are you having any problems with cormorants over there ? They've destroyed the eucumbene river atm. Someone told me it happens every 8-10 years. Thoughts ?? Cheers
  5. Last week
  6. Thanks Yorky, very lucky indeed to have so many beautiful areas to fish that's for sure..I'm grounded at the moment, the car ("Trout Stalker 2") has an emission control problem that they're trying to sort out, been a week now... Aaaaaaugh!!! There's around 20-40 mms of rain due in the next day or so, that will raise the river levels once again just when they've finally settled down. cheers Adrian
  7. @Meppstas once again, thank you, beautiful areas you're fishing Yorky
  8. The conditions weren't all that flash on this trip, very cold conditions and heavy fog topped off with ivy cold water made for a tough spin session.. Not one of my better trips to this beautiful stretch of river. cheers Adrian (meppstas)
  9. Earlier
  10. Rybak

    Artificial gents

    I have used the artificial gents, white ones. They are a hit or miss scenario. Personally have had much better success with live gents or any small fish bits/cockle if no gents. Can use the flesh from a gar when you catch your first one. IMO not worth while. I generally try all sorts of new plastics, lures etc. etc so I know myself if any good.......but always revert back to fresh bait..
  11. I want to get some of the artificial gents. I don't want to use them on their own, but mixed with real gents, or when the are biting on anything. What I am not sure on is weather to get the white ones, or the light yellow ones, does anyone her use them? gents.webp
  12. Boat fishing the lakes is very good with thousands good size browns & rainbows stocked in them.. Those Atlantic salmon were very nice, I did them in the smoker. cheers Adrian
  13. Stunning back drop. Yeah I love my small stream fishing also but the lake fishing over there just looks so good. Bet those salmon tasted good. Cheers
  14. No Hunter, small streams & rivers only, I did fish Lake Barrington (it's open all year round) around 16 years ago during the closed season when they dropped a heap of Atlantic salmon in it. The inland fisheries continue to stock the Lakes but will not stock the rivers which is a joke, they believe in self recruitment in the rivers. With the large floods that we've had that cleaned of a full seasons spawning and now with another influx of Shags (cormorants) the rivers are stuffed at the moment. Near the end of last seasons trout season I counted 72 Shags in the Mersey River, fishers came ac
  15. Do you ever fish the lakes mate
  16. This trip was short & sharp, very cold water & weather didn't make it easy at all. Just a couple of wild browns caught & released before all hell let loose with the wind. Thanks for watching & enjoy the musical photo slideshow after the short rundown.. Cheers Adrian (meppstas) #mepps #meppsaglia #tackletactics #okuma #platypuslines
  17. Weather is really crappy again here in Tassie so no fishing done, did get to see the spine specialist on Wednesday, not a thing they can do for my spine. Getting closer to 78 years of age had a lot to do with it not that I minded as I wouldn't have gone for the operation anyway. They've put me on a trial run of anti-inflammatory tablets that I can take each day without having any effect on the kidneys. Hopefully this weather will settle down soon so I can get back in a river.... cheers Adrian
  18. Well I finally managed to have my first trip of the season a couple weeks ago, haven't been able to hit the water due to constant lower back problems with (spinal stenosis) 5 discs in poor condition. The weather wasn't all that flash but it was certainly good to get back in a river that's for sure. Haven't been fishing since this trip either, seeing another spin specialist next Wednesday. This is the first time in the 24 years year in Tassie that I've only had one trip to a river seven weeks into a trout season, not happy Jan.. The cormorants (Shags) are still in the rivers as well, so it will
  19. Rybak.....many thnx m8 will be out there giving your methods a try Tight lines m8
  20. a mate and I were fishing for sharks on the seaward side of the section bank off StKilda. we had 4 balloons out, all with European carp on about 4,30 in the afternoon the 30 took off and it was spooled with 660m of Platypus pretest before we could pull the anchor it stripped all 660m of line and didn't stop once I picked it for a large Hammerhead that had come up our berley slick about an hour earlier. I have never seen a run like that in my life and my mates 30 Inter was too hot to touch after it was emptied
  21. Simple rig - Sliding sinker above swivel using the easy slide clip. Then 1m trace with 2 x 8/0 snelled hooks. Need the biggest live bait you can get, any legal sized live bait. Only pin the live bait with one hook near the head leaving the other dangling below. Live bait to be about 1m off the bottom. Best to fish high tide to low tide & 1 hr afterwards. No hits, then go home. For the big models, winter time is best on still freezing cold nights. Preferably on a new moon. Mid sized mulloway can be caught all year round. If you can fish near/around structure then thats the way to go, but I
  22. @ alfybabe. I have always just made my own concoction & played around until I liked my set up. I just use twist style swivels for a quick change of squid jig colour. On my whiting rig, I often attach an unweighted squid jig to the top swivel above the whiting trace. Good fun when you get a squid & whiting.
  23. Thnx rybak...deadly way of squidding hey ....I must ask the video of the red head vs bright pink where did you get or make the twin squid jag holder your using I just run 2 different sizes and colours above one another but your idea is way better and I want to get one Cheers AB
  24. Temu has a casting gajet that actually works and simple to use and master and adds alot of casting distance with out the finger holding the line
  25. The paternoster works best in deeper water when water is very shallow then small 2.5 jigs slowly retrieved works Keep up the good work
  26. Thnx rybak, that's great to know I've fished the port a lot in my younger days but still haven't landed a legal jew in the port hooked sum real big models but to no avail...not asking for secret spots or anything just push me in the right direction and what baits/rigs working for you and with that I might be able to change my luck Once again thnx rgbak
  27. Yep. In the Port River. The bigger models have now gone but the 15-20lb are around.
  28. I use this method from a boat especially when whiting are on the chew. Leave out with snagging.
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