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Rybak last won the day on December 8

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About Rybak

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  1. You can also muck around with "flavouring" the cockles in the jar if you want - curry powder, oil from cheap sardine cans, tuna oil, aniseed etc etc. Does it work, well I guess so. Still get Whiting. I find if Whiting are fussy, then some pilchard slithers do wonders or peeled prawns. Even Trumpeter slithers do well dipped in tuna oil..Always good to experiment as some days just need something different.
  2. You can leave the water in the container as long its not overflowing. I use a glass jar with twist lid & keep in fridge ready to go.
  3. Change the seawater daily & should be good to go alive. Not likely you will use the entire 300 over the weekend...Probably bag at least half in 1kg zip lock bags and freeze. Also try putting the meat only with sea salt in a glass jar and put in fridge (not freezer). Last indefinitely. They become rubbery/tough. KG love them. The unused ones just put back into the fridge until next time. I have many jars ready to go.
  4. Rybak

    Artificial gents

    I have used the artificial gents, white ones. They are a hit or miss scenario. Personally have had much better success with live gents or any small fish bits/cockle if no gents. Can use the flesh from a gar when you catch your first one. IMO not worth while. I generally try all sorts of new plastics, lures etc. etc so I know myself if any good.......but always revert back to fresh bait..
  5. Simple rig - Sliding sinker above swivel using the easy slide clip. Then 1m trace with 2 x 8/0 snelled hooks. Need the biggest live bait you can get, any legal sized live bait. Only pin the live bait with one hook near the head leaving the other dangling below. Live bait to be about 1m off the bottom. Best to fish high tide to low tide & 1 hr afterwards. No hits, then go home. For the big models, winter time is best on still freezing cold nights. Preferably on a new moon. Mid sized mulloway can be caught all year round. If you can fish near/around structure then thats the way to go, but I
  6. @ alfybabe. I have always just made my own concoction & played around until I liked my set up. I just use twist style swivels for a quick change of squid jig colour. On my whiting rig, I often attach an unweighted squid jig to the top swivel above the whiting trace. Good fun when you get a squid & whiting.
  7. Yep. In the Port River. The bigger models have now gone but the 15-20lb are around.
  8. I use this method from a boat especially when whiting are on the chew. Leave out with snagging.
  9. IMO, not worth the effort unless you have the time, right equip & enjoy doing this type of thing. I've done it before & eventually had my rods built by others. Rods off the shelf these days are can be purchased at good prices for the everyday fisho. The ones who want specifically built rods will usually go to a known rod builder anyway and pay the price like I did years ago. (All rods still going strong). Have only bought some cheapies for Gar & Squid & they are also going strong.....
  10. A great write up again...You certainly do your homework...and the results show that...Very nice indeed.
  11. An easy, quick & cheap way for crab bait is go to your local supermarket & buy the home brand sardine tins in oil. Punch some holes in the tin & use the pull ring to attach to crab net. Can't get any simpler than that...& it works.
  12. Thats dedication & a fantastic achievement. Bloody well done........!!!!
  13. They look really good. Well done.
  14. Thats how I do squiding for years now. Always works plus never snags up on the bottom. Great when also Whiting fishing as you can just leave the jag as is without worrying about it.
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