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  1. Only one month to go before the 2024/25 trout season opens so here's another of my 2023/24 trout season spin sessions, this trip was mid January not long after the influx of Cormorants hit the rivers & streams here in Tasmania. Thankfully. I did manage to catch and release a few wild brown trout before this little stream was cleaned out... cheers Adrian (meppstas)
    4 points
  2. Another (mid January) of my 23/24 trout season spin sessions, this one was a good one when I caught & released my 300th trout of the season. This spin session was just before the Cormorants arrived in big numbers, there were already a few here but when the rest arrived this little stream was hit hard and hardly a trout was seen from then on. Thanks for watching & stay safe on/in the water..Our trout season opens again on the 3rd August so it will be quite interesting to see how the rivers & streams fish, they weren't all that good from mid January right up to the end of the season
    3 points
  3. Eltin

    2018 Footy Tipping Comp

    Go you Dockers!
    2 points
  4. They are found in SA -- but very rare. See: https://cdn.environment.sa.gov.au/landscape/docs/hf/reef-fishes-field-guide-gen.pdf A few spearos knew where to get them down on the end of Yorke's Peninsula, and the State SA record is over 2kg from Seaford: https://auf.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/SA-STATE-Spearfishing-RECORDS-2021.pdf The "redmap" project aims to track chnage sin distributions of fish, and there are quite a few Luderick being recorded in Tassie: https://www.redmap.org.au/region/sa/species/1/85/
    1 point
  5. I am jealous of the amount of time you get to go fishing.. and envious of your prowess. Long may you continue! .... and keep rubbing it in to us mere mortals...
    1 point
  6. Meppstas

    Small stream trout fishing.

    I used to love going after the blood worms in and around Outer Harbor back in the day when I lived in Sth Aust, most of the areas that I used go for them are closed off now. I used to go to Pelican Point & under the Outer Harbor Wharf for them, I gather that's all closed off now as it's been around 36 years or so since I've done it, been in Tassie for the last 24 years. They're one of the best baits around that's for sure.. cheers Adrian
    1 point
  7. Des

    Small stream trout fishing.

    Thanks Adrian. Always very interesting to be aware of the many different factors effecting fish behaviour. As you would be aware I do all my fishing wading shallow water sand flats casting lures. I very rarely use bait these days. I have always felt there were parallels and similarities to wading for trout. Something that requires a far bigger effort that I am prepared to give here in S.A. Regardless I like eating Yellow Fin Whiting and Flathead too much !!! I am waiting for the upper gulf waters to get back over 13c before I get back into it. And if the bloodworms are running
    1 point
  8. Meppstas

    Small stream trout fishing.

    Brown trout spawn in the rivers during late May though June & July that's the reason our season is closed those three months, waters that are classed as rainbow trout waters close approx one month later and reopen in September as they spawn later than the browns. Water temps does have a big effect on trout fishing in both rivers & lakes, early season the trout can be a little sluggish with low water temps of 3-6 degrees, Myself I prefer the water temps in the rivers to be 9-15 degrees as that's when the trout seem to be most aggressive. Sometimes early season can also depend on the wea
    1 point
  9. Des

    Small stream trout fishing.

    So you have an imposed closed and open season for trout? With drivers I am referring to natural seasonal triggers and stimuluses that get the fish firing. assuming they go dormant in winter. So things like a certain temperature ... which may also coincide with the natural availability of food. A hatch of a particular insect. Natural stimuli, triggers, drivers of fish behaviour.
    1 point
  10. Meppstas

    Small stream trout fishing.

    Our trout season for the rivers/stream & lakes starts on the Saturday closest to the 1st August & closes on the last Sunday closest to the end of April each year. There are several lakes open all year round and a few rivers that are classed as rainbow trout waters close a month later & open a month later than brown trout waters. We've had our driest Winter that I can remember since moving here back in March 2000, May rainfall was 45 mm, June 106 mm, so far for July just 1 mm, there is rain on the way sometime Sunday or Monday at this stage. Temps here in Sheffield have been very lo
    1 point
  11. Des

    Small stream trout fishing.

    What do you regard as your regular season? And what are the drivers for it? I am hanging out for things to warm up in the gulf and on the sand flats A very cold winter spell currently that will delay things. At 11C and possibly cooler in spots one of the coldest spells https://oceancurrent.aodn.org.au/product.php
    1 point
  12. In my experience, there is nothing quite like the local mussels you pick and shuck on the spot I got an "apprenticeship" off an old bloke down at the local docks and I thought I might be able to become the master, by using lighter gear and more space-aged technology. I figured mussels were mussels and I could just buy live ones produced 70km away in ocean water. But they were no match for the disgusting, polluted, river mussels that grew on the pylons at out feet. When fished side by side, freshly shucked, local Mussels, way outperform live ones from somewhere else. The levels o
    1 point
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