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Mickyj last won the day on February 12

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About Mickyj

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 18/01/1963

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  • Interests
    hardbody fishing

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  1. Mickyj

    Silly question

    Thanks HB I’ve got another coming from an online buy hope it works Profishent Cojack 38mm Shallow Crank Bait × 1
  2. Mickyj

    Silly question

    Ok so far I’ve used 2 shallow lures UV ones landed bream . Got another brand coming in the post they are hard to find .
  3. Mickyj

    Silly question

    Ok if you know me in the real world I’m known to ask silly questions . Having fun with the shallow crank UV olive lure . Are there any other UV lures available to buy in Aussie ? Thanks
  4. It does work well imho for all the people online having a dig at me not on here though
  5. Got this line on it the tackle shop person was shocked the entire line fit on the spool with backing it’s thin 8 lb and I put on 4 lb FC leader
  6. Ok my Temu 500 reel arrived looks good I’ll get line put on it this week , I’ve lined it next to the sienna 1000 .
  7. Got a update it’s in customs now
  8. thanks this 500 was $14.85 thought why not I’ll give it a try when it gets here and I get line on it
  9. I couldn’t stop myself couldn’t find a 500 size reel in tackle shops . So my family buy off Temu I got my daughter to download the app all security stuff done . I thought for under $15 why not .it’s a ZP 500 5kg max drag 5.2.1 140g . had to spend a few more cents to get to $15 so bought braid scissors to
  10. Ok I think I know why the water isn’t coming in . They are working on the marina in a section I don’t fish in . I’ll guess they aren’t letting the water through .
  11. Ok does anyone know what’s going on at the Pat with water amounts . Tide levels seem to be empty most days even with a very high tide . This morning again basically no water.
  12. Mickyj

    Anyone used

    This FC leader thanks
  13. Mickyj

    Anyone know

    Thanks Adrian that’s them
  14. Mickyj

    Anyone know

    Could be the floating one different colours I could’ve bought old ones
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