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goat herder

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Posts posted by goat herder

  1. I've caught fish on the imported ones, but they are a piddly bait on the whole and a fair bit mushier than the Goolwa variety. On size 4 whiting hooks, 2 of them are required to make a half decent bait. They look like they would be a decent sized bait based on the size of the shell, but that is simply not the case. Give me the good ol' Goolwa cockle anyday - even the little ones around the 3.5cm size limit - over these crap imported ones. Cheers,GH

  2. The topic seems to be "GPS Marks in SA. :-\ And I'll be the first one to admit I am not an expert on the subject - I've had a GPS unit for less than a year and still learning the caper. ;DYOU, on the other hand GNSS, seem to have an infinite knowledge of the subject, so perhaps YOU should explain to us all how it works, instead of sitting back and sniping at anyone who dares to offer their input. ::)I have no doubt that you are more than qualified to share with us your (up until now..) untapped knowledge and clear things up once and for all! Unless you are just full of it & unable to explain the process afterall, and you are just looking for confrontation.. :icon_e_wink: I look forward to your explanation of the subject matter at hand. 8)Cheers,GH

  3. I wouldn't bother replying either to someone who comes across as a complete PEANUT! ::) ;D :DHow about YOU tell us all how it works GNSS, as it's clear that you are the expert on the subject?? :icon_lol: Sounds like there's a lot we could learn from such a knowledgable individual about the subject matter at hand. ;) Sounds like your alter-ego wants some clarification too..?? ::);) PEANUT! :D :D ;D Cheers,GH

  4. An essential event on the angling calendar! 8) I encourage people who've never done it before to tap into the knowledge of others who've been there and done that. You'll have a ball, and free bait, as Yak said. ;DBeanies are mandatory at that time of year and DON'T FALL IN!!!! Not everyone carries a hypothermic blanket in their boats.........hey Ranger.. ;):D ;DLooking forward to it, should be a blast! 8)Cheers,Wino

  5. Good luck getting a fillet off it!! LMAO!! {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif I reckon a chainsaw wouldn't make any inroads, and if it did, I think I'd rather eat my sandshoes - stench and all.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifCheers,Wino

  6. My old Stradic 2500 came with a spare spool. {SMILIES_PATH}/huh.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/undecided.gif Have Shimano skimped on a spare spool with the cosmetically-altered Stradics??One's spooled with 6lb braid, the other with 6lb SiglonF mono. {SMILIES_PATH}/smiley.gifCheers,Wino

  7. Well, we ventured across the Gulf on Saturday in my mate's tub and I cracked 2 big knobbers - 8.6kg and 9.5kg. {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif Re-wrote my PB twice in a day. {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gifI landed another in the 10lb category and my mate Brett caught his PB snapper, estimated around the 16lb mark. We also complimented our catch of 5 biggies with 10 pannies to 55cm. All 3 boats on the mark when the big boys came out to play landed several dirty, big slabs of red, with one crew of 2 landing there bag of 4 biggies in about 45mins! {SMILIES_PATH}/shocked.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gifStory and pics to follow when my home pc is working. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif The best part is (sort of.. {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gif) the skipper didn't land a big one, so he's chomping at the bit to get back out there, and hopefully I haven't worn out my welcome.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifCheers,Wino

  8. Got an invite from a mate to go out wide for snapps, so I was forced to cancel my cockling expedition.. {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif Wasn't that hard a decision really - freeze my bollocks off in the Southern Ocean, or bottom bounce for reds in the middle of the Gulf.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifCheers,Wino

  9. Bit of practice mate and you'll get it in the end. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gifOnce you start using them, you'll get an idea to where the hook will need to come out to line the plastic up flush with the jighead. But to start off with, lay the jighead along the outside of the plastic where it supposed to sit when it is rigged up. Make note of where the hook will come out and feed the plastic onto the hook through the middle of the head. Remember to feed it on like you would thread a tubeworm onto a hook, and keep the hook in the middle of the plastic. Hook point comes out at the spot you noted earlier, and keep feeding the plastic on until it sits flush against the jighead. {SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gifCareful though, as it's rumoured to be highly addictive - and subsequently expensive.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif Not as expensive as hard bodies though.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gifCheers,Wino

  10. From my experience Geraldine, they are mainly where there is thick, dark clay-like mud. You never found 'em in sandy areas, which is probably shy they smell and taste like how finatic described them.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gifCheers,Wino

  11. I have fished West Lakes for the best part of 30yrs and have never been moved on by the Charles Sturt Council - once I was told by Lake Patrol that I was fish'n too close to the foot bridge on Corcoran Drive, but it was honestly a matter of a metre or two and when I asked the dude whether he had a tape measure on him, I was allowed to continue fish'n where I was. ::) :-\I am lucky to have a friend that resides in units at Tennyson on Military Rd and she allows me to fish from her pontoon. Over the years I have taken the time to talk to the residents along the main section of this strip from near the south-west end of the Lake, to the nearest beach to the north (Sculler's I think it is), and all bar ONE has allowed me to fish in front of their properties. I take the time to explain what sort of fish'n I'm doing and make a point of mentioning that, a) I do not use bagged-up bait, and; B) that all fish lured and landed from under their pontoons are released BACK where they came from. I think that if we all took the time to have a chat to residents and explain the luring game to them and assure them that no rubbish will be left and no fish will be kept - a lot of residents feed the fish under their pontoons and almost consider them pets - I think that will go to some lengths to 'mend' the relationship between angler (instances of rubbish being left behind by dickheads! >:() and resident and hopefully allow the two to co-exist a little more harmoniously.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif And for the record, the only resident (for use of a better word.. ::){SMILIES_PATH}/angry.gif:(" title="Angry" />) who opposed us fish'n near his property was the reclusive lurker situated in the end unit, closest to the beach! He never uttered a word when 3 of us peppered his pontoon with casts and caught & released 10 fish from under it the week before (despite watching the whole scenario unfold, glaring from behind his kitchen window.. {SMILIES_PATH}/rolleyes.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif), but thought he'd try and intimidate me by approaching me and verbally attacking me while I was fish'n alone the week after.. {SMILIES_PATH}/undecided.gif Rightly or wrongly, the tool copped the best verbal spray I had dished out in some time, and he retreated to the safety of his abode.. {SMILIES_PATH}/undecided.gif I now avoid fishing there - I refuse to be put into situations where I may be forced to physically harm intellictually-challenged individuals, it's just not right.. {SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif That was one unfortunate incident in 30yrs. I encourage you to speak to the residents of the areas which you may fish/might be thinking of fish'n. Most people are fine with us bream lurers. Like anyone, they refuse to put up with tools who disrespect them and/or their properties, and fair enough too! It's hard for the Council to move you on if you have express permission from the owners of the private land to fish in front of it. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifCheers,Wino

  12. For sure, hats off to the Diggers! {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gifPerhaps we can all save a packet or two each for them when they miss the bloodworm run..?? {SMILIES_PATH}/huh.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif Not to mention the Chief Bloodwormer, who'll lose his ranking and his medals for giving the rest of 'em all a bum steer.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifCheers,Wino

  13. On beaching the "puffer",turned out to be a rather large condom,full of.........water.Not the most meritorious of catches,but a talking point none-the-less!

    Did ya catch it on a rubber? {SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif
    i'm guessing jerk shad! {SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gif
    Ba-Boom Tish! {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif Today's comedy award goes to BB.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifI note that no-one was man enough to admit it was caught on a 2" fat grub.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifCheers,Wino
  14. Easy tiger, I think trev was 'extracting the urine' from the WVFG, not questioning your info - which is spot on, for the record.. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/cool.gifI had a good chuckle when I read his post, conjuring up images of ol' fossils with spotlights and long-handled nets, and nothing to net.. LMAO! {SMILIES_PATH}/cheesy.gif {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gifCheers,Wino

  15. I used to be a strictly Shimano man, but my loyalties have shifted towards Daiwa, mainly because, as stated, their quality and performance has surpassed Shimano on the whole. I also believe they are better value for money. The top of the range stuff is still comparable in my opinion (eg; Stella), but the middle of the road stuff like the Luvias and Sol, I'd opt for Daiwa over Shimano. The Luvias 2500 is a great little reel and craps all over the Fireblood for example - a similar reel with a similar price tag. I run that with a 7ft Tierra 2-4kg stick for bream, loaded with Sensor braid and it goes well.I also had some great service from Daiwa on a Cladia Kix 3000 that had a bit of a drama, but that was pretty much straight outta the box. But they got it done quicksmart at no cost to me, which is what ya want. {SMILIES_PATH}/wink.gifCheers,Wino

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