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Posts posted by brenton

  1. You can get a Shimano Catana 7"ter for about $50 which is all i,m using ATM and does the job,if you have a bit more to spend i,d go the Berkley Dropshot or the 7.2" Raider for around $100 they are a fair bit better but it depends on your budget eh ;) cheers brenton

  2. Reminds me of the time i was fishing with a couple of mates for S/T off the rocks at deep creek,as one of them went to cast in the drag ripped off the reel making him think he had snagged on the backcast.He had ,he hooked our friend straight up the nostril.I said to him "geez that must of hurt"and he said not surprisingly %$# >:( %& {SMILIES_PATH}/cry.gif %&% {SMILIES_PATH}/angry.gif:(" title="Angry" /> $#$%$ #*&%$ {SMILIES_PATH}/sad.gif@#$ {SMILIES_PATH}/cry.gif cheers brenton

  3. What i find sad about these situations is that little effort will be made to lessen the impact of this salt enriched waste,the money is spent on the plant itself the golf course and other facilities and the salt pumped into the bay.I,m pretty sure that if the outfall pipes were extended and the brine metred out over a km or so through 10 or 20 small bleeders or taps then the impact would be minimal.Whats the bet that it ends up being pumped out in 1 spot 300 metres off the coast.I would site the west beach outlet as an example,it was supposed to be 500 metres of the coast but looks to be more like 200 to me.I sure wouldn,t like to buy real estate off those blokes. cheers brenton

  4. Thanks for all your input on this thread guys,this is my first winter chasing bream and i,m learning...slowly {SMILIES_PATH}/undecided.gif So far i would have to agree that a much slower presentation is what seems to push the little buggers buttons though having the patience to fish this way is definately a challenge.At this stage i have mainly fished the S/Ps but can see the necessity to use something different.Like Yak said maybe a different presentation is required,I,m guessing he's referring to something like a Carolina rig which would give the casting distance required to get the lure out where it needs to be and keep it in the strike zone,or am i talking out my arse {SMILIES_PATH}/huh.gif cheers brenton

  5. Join the club MJ,I fished for about 4hrs this morning for zilch in the lake .I tried h/b's and s/p's large and small all to no avail.Same as you i could only get a few taps from the midgets in the shallowsI caught a few S/Ts on the way home in the port but it as L tide and i didn,t bother hanging around or keeping any of them. cheers brenton

  6. I still reckon there chumps {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif ECO this ENVIRO that...what it boils down to in alot of these scenarios is someone pays a fee to get a report on this or that and if in the end the recommendations don,t suit the investor then that report is scrapped and another commissioned.What consultant is going to go against the "required" outcome if he,s going to get 200k for the "right" result and the promise of more work in the future {SMILIES_PATH}/huh.gif By the time the horrible truth is realised he's sitting up on the Gold Coast in his million dollar pad and has wiped his hands of the whole matter with no consequences whatsoever. cheers brenton

  7. Great idea on that clean-up Ranger,i'd like to get a few of those shopping trolleys out of there.I always pick up any rubbish i find laying around if i,m near a bin but i have noticed the residents don,t ever seem to want to get their hands dirty and will step over it and then give me the evil eye.I reckon they think their too good to pick up rubbish and by the quality of some of the dollybirds walking the fringes.....well i don,t blame them {SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif cheers brenton

  8. Watch out guys, brenton is a natural as I kept telling him last night. {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif (at work)He was using my first outfit, a #7 weight with some flouro fluff on the end..Has to work his way up to use 'my baby' sorry {SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif

    Awww Shucks.... {SMILIES_PATH}/kiss.gifseriously though it was goood fun and its something i,ll have to put on the to do list.By the sound of it i,m still a long way off getting my hands on "my baby" {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif cheers brenton
  9. I had my first play with Tonkas fly set-up last night,i think it was a 7#,it wasn't easy but i reckon as a novice i could of cast well enough to catch a fish....if i was casting into the water that is. {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif cheers brenton

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