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Everything posted by wisdom

  1. Hi RangerDoesn't matter where it's moved, its a very interesting statistic that in the space of 5 hours on a dull mid afternoon Wednesday there have been some 30 posts of various content and size.This must be saying something !
  2. Starting to get it !Chestbeating, but no good chest beating at me, wrong person. Try the government with the same energy and a planned strategy. I am not your enemy if this hasn't already been worked out.
  3. Hi RangerYou know what happens when one scratches their head,..... may get splinters !When I do that, like now, its to relieve an irritation of the injustice dished out to anglers in SA for so many years.
  4. Thanks just me..... the exercise in stimulation is working.Many/ most do not know where to access relevant data.I know the Korean scientist and was involved when he came to Australia about four years ago.Too many ostrich's in this state for mine !; and many miss the point on fostering angling in SA, they try to look tooooooooo deeply at things.Keep it simple and get on your bikes ! Rattle the chains and become a force or get run over !
  5. You really believe this ? d) recreational fishing and commercial fishing activities are to be fostered forthe benefit of the whole community;What fostering of angling can you point to in recent times ?
  6. That's not anglers fault, its a compliance problem and always has been and likely to be.
  7. Hi Ale..... bugger you are onto me.Firstly......the million dollar reefs built in Queensland are from Government funds. They don't have a licence.Most of you do not have the biological science background that I have, and it would take a page or two to explain, so I will provide an example to ponder. And yes I know I am arrogant.Lets for the sake of this argument,that over-night in SA waters all of the under water habitat such as artificial and natural reefs were removed, lumps, bumps and other things. What would happen to fish populations ?So by adding habitat, the reverse applies. Go read Dar
  8. You believe PIRSA is looking after anglers ???????
  9. Check this out, http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/fisheries/recreational_fishing/artificial_reefs/do_artificial_reefs_workAnd then ask, why then have other states spent many $ millions on artificial reefs and FADS in their respective states over the past ten years. Go check out the other states fishery Web-sites.Answer.... outdated fisheries science by a body that refuses to accept paradigms' that do not fit with their own culture. Worse,refusal to spend any real money advancing tangible and useful angling programs. Forget all the coming recreational plans, they won't go anywhere. Just good sounding
  10. Well there sure is a message in all this and obviously the current mob will not change their views on MP's or other fishing issues related to anglers. Particularly land based access, jetty fishing and a host of other issues such as artificial reefs etc.What's the message.........simple, get a guarantee from the opposition party ( whether you like them or not ), to change the rules and support anglers then convey that ( if positive ),to all and sundry and loudly. See Vicki Chapman ( deputy leader ? ),who comes from a fishing family !
  11. Hi LexiNSW was the first and took place over a two year period some ten years ago now and Victoria followed later using a similar model.AS for NSW it was a combination of political fortunes, they had some Ministers that had balls.However it didn't just happen and over that two year period the community was heavily consulted and if my memory is correct there was a pro support to the tune of 78% and the Government subsequently went ahead with it.If you get onto SARFAC, they have a complete file on all the deliberations in NSW at the time and also some of Victoria I know the person who put it all
  12. I can add a little to this TB.I suspect this is the work of Jan Kappel who is the Secretary General of the EU Anglers Alliance ( EAA ), stationed in Brussels ( the seat of the EU Parliament ).This is a professional anglers organization representing all anglers in the EU and funded by some of the representative organizations.In contrast to Australia the organization represents 25 million anglers of which 8 to 10 million are sea anglers.I have met with Jan in the EU parliament in Brussels and know exactly the passion he has as the anglers advocate / lobbyist in the EU.It is also worthwhile ment
  13. I have worked with Nicki before on similar projects and they are always about the commercial fishing sectors perceptions within the community (she's a very pleasant girl all the same).Of what value these projects are for anglers is dubious and even for the commercial sector it is puzzeling. But it does provide work for our university boffins. Paid in part by FRDC and the Australian taxpayers.It is my long held personal belief that projects such as these are a waste of money and time and unless they can be translated into practical use that will have a real tangible, social and economic benef
  14. Thanks Lexi, its hard not to, having spent many years in science and fishery management.Going a little further and although slightly off topic, Daniel Pauly and a female scientist and colleague jointly published a paper exposing A certification scheme run by the World Wild Life Fund ( WWF ), that ( for a Fee ), certified commercial fisheries around the world as sustainable and clean and green etc.The paper exposed the scheme in the UK and Europe as a moral fraud. WWF have also certified some fisheries in Australia and I was involved in one of them until I realized it was a scam and withdrew.I
  15. A very interesting subject TB, and causes concern for every fishery manager in the world.Hilburn / Branch and Daniel Pauly are both right. Pauly is a highly respected marine scientist and I have communicated with him many times over the years and have found him very forward thinking and has published many papers on fishery matters. I have never found cause not to agree with his postulations.When one goes back to fishery management through " STOCK ASSESSMENTS ", the clue is in the word "assessment", because that's all it can ever be ( not like counting trees). All fisheries are managed on asses
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