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  1. You're on the attack against a group of people who almost certainly don't do this sort of stuff. It's not a debatable stance. It's an accepted view that littering is awful and that it's important to protect the environment.You're preaching (angrily) to the choir. BTW... To write everything in caps. Looks a little crazy, your message gets lost, it's super difficult to read.
  2. Hi all,I've recently remembered how much of a blast fishing is, and am looking to get started in the Adelaide area.I grew up in the South East, and mostly fished in the lower Glenelg river for Bream and (not very successfully) Mulloway.I now live in Adelaide, and all I have to my name is a JW Redbone Combo, which I purchased for a weekend camping trip on the Murray. I had a blast catching carp, but the rod and reel didn't give me much joy. It did make me want to give fishing another crack, though, so I'd like some help to properly get started. I like fishing for the sport, the food bit is mor
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