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Posts posted by Massfish

  1. yes...I agree with all you say, besides the scum probably carry daggers and baseball bat's and we'd end up as the bait! I have absolute sympathy for the police they do a great job given the conditions..so definately worth lobbyng for CCTV coverage!I spend a fair bit of time in Singapore and they would only do it once there I tell ya. we could do with dishing a bit of this out here (warning a bit graphic) http://www.flickitup.com/view/1812/severe-penalty-for-drinking-in-singapore/

  2. a few years ago some half wits used their incredible inteligence to vandalise and upset the silent majority on the Brighton Jetty, when we challenged them they got mouthy..my mate Sean(not one to back down) flattened the biggest big mouth...tied him to a crab net rope and dangled him overboard like a tea bag while we all shouted "shark"..didn't see em again!! (still P ourselves tho)..

  3. [attachment]snake bite 24122010_1.jpg[/attachment]On Christmas eve afternoon 2010 I was heading down the track to the rocks at Hallett Cove to see if there was a squid about. I brushed past something just above my right ankle that made me spin around and take a look, but there was nothing obvious. by the time I got to the beach it felt like I had those grass seeds in my sock, pricking and itching and a sensation like electric shocks going from my ankle to my toes..About 20mins later up came the lumps where the fangs had gone in...a juvenile Brown Snake had had a go! fortunately very little venom got in and I had X'ssy day with a sore leg & no more...the message, always be looking directly 2-4 meters ahead when tracking...especially this time of the year!

  4. stand about ankle deep in the water, about half tide is best...then "do the twist" (just like you did last summer) up come the cockles throw them in a net or bag, something that won't get washed away in the back-wash..(kid's are good for holding and grabbing the get away's...keep them in an esky in salt water till you freeze them..if you're gonna eat them...purge them in fresh SALT WATER overnight..cheers

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