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Balancing out rods

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I recently got a dsr820s, but the aussie short handle one with the short butt. Not a bad rod but the balance on them is pretty average. Guide placement shifted forwards and less weight at back leaves it pretty forward heavy. So I’m after advice on how to balance it out. I was thinking of something along the lines as getting one of those drop shot weight holders (look like a sweat band) and then somehow stitch a weight in there and leave it on the butt but i dunno about it falling off etc. and other than that I’m out of ideas.Help!Cheers, Matt.

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I cant beleive this, right when i thought i was getting all entrepreneurial, i log back on and someones allready come up with my idea. Anyway, after posting that I got thinking and came up with the idea to wack on a butt cap with some weights in it. Grabbing one off of another rod, I got a handful of sinkers and played around until I got the balance right.

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Ok so after posting that I got thinking and came up with the idea to wack on a butt cap with some weights in it. Grabbing one off of another rod, I got a handful of sinkers and played around until I got the balance right. Anyway, then I made a makeshift mould (not going to last long cause its wood!) by making a hole in a piece of pine with a 25mm spade bit, melted the sinkers down and viola.It feels a ton better than what it did originally, and will be way less annoying when working little hb’s. Only problem is that the back end of it looks like a knob.... A smaller but cap will be going on it soon. Cheers for the input, matt.

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Matt, you can get prefabricated butts with a screw end and a removable weight system enclosed which dont look like big knobs.Weights go in when using plastics to keep the tip light and up in the air, weights come out when using hardbodies to angle the front down.Only problem is, I'm unsure of who makes these butts. I'm sure someone should be able to help though.

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