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yellow door 1

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Everything posted by yellow door 1

  1. Yeah I wouldnt mind seeing that bream footage - seems like noone likes the paparazzi getting in their face
  2. Just ran 150m of 30lb braid through the book with 1.1kg of force. I was reeling as fast as I could and the line barely got to "luke warm" - by the time I touched the book - I couldnt notice any rise in temp on the paper
  3. Yeah makes me want to see footage of someone using that camera on local reefs
  4. For some people catching a fish is a bonus - for me - it just gets in the way of my true passion - testing things noone else cares about p.s. - if you think your bored now - wait til you see the video
  5. forgot to add - with 8lb braid and 8kg of weight - about 680g
  6. Ok so the results are in - results may differ depending on whose cook book you use Couldnt find any phone books, so I had to use a heavy cook book With 8lb braid and no weight - dragging the line through took about 115g of pull with a 4kg weight - about 320g with 40lb braid and no weight - about 240g with 4kg of weight - about 660g with 8kg of weight - abut 1kg
  7. Its a long vid but its interesting to watch how often the lures are ignored in favour of hitting the camera and the sinker https://youtu.be/Lh8RtB_x1dc
  8. Yeah theres every chance of that - but it is rare to find a manufacturer that doesnt recommend the pump and wind technique when retrieving line. If you try to use a reel as a "recovery winch" against heavy drags - it going to age many times faster than one that is used correctly - thats what I was referring to when I mentioned "damage to gears". Maybe I should have said "Premature aging" You could do a few years worth of wear and tear just spooling up against a heavy drag - because if you pump and wind while fishing - your gears would never see that sort of pressure in the field
  9. Yeah the reason I swallowed everything being said in that vid is because it was being said by Peter Pakula - he's always struck me as a thinking angler with many years of experience. It would be interesting to see how much drag is added by the yellow pages method - I might just give it a crack - thanks Pakula did mention you can turn 8kg mono line into 5.5kg line through friction during the spooling process. I usually use wet gloves to counteract this - I also used to submerge my braid spools in water while spooling but I've been told this can cause problems with spool corrosion - I
  10. I use digital luggage scales to set mine - then just dont touch the dial for that session. After a while - you get to know what certain drag settings feel like with different braids - You just pull line off the spool against the drag - I know I've gone too far if my fingers start bleeding
  11. One issue I can see is - if you dont have a spooling machine - getting that sort of tension by winding line on with the reel might do some damage to the reels gears - because you never real it on that tight while fighting a fish ie - you dont wind line on while the drag is running
  12. I'm predominantly light line user - so I never really though about how much tension -"running the line through my fingers" while spooling - was putting on the line I imagine its well under a kilo - but I havent tested it. But it is something I will be thinking about in the future on all reels. If I'm going to be running 3kg of drag on an outfit - the line should be spooled on with 3kg of tension.
  13. https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/al-mcglashan-ep9-aussie-snapper-tricks/id1450231254?i=1000443181526 If you fast forward to the 13min mark he talks about the SA snapper fishery and the importance of microorganisms to snapper recruitment
  14. My Mullas are small compared to alot of the ones in this thread - Some of those beasts are scary big But I dont subscribe to the theory of "Rig for the fish of a life time - everytime" - Its because I lack the discipline to endure nights without runs. Where I fish - leader thickness can mean the difference between 10 runs and none - so hats off to you blokes with the tenacity to fish with appropriate tackle I bumped into a trophy hunter with 100lb braid and 100lb leaders - I landed 6 Jews in his presence and he didnt bat an eyelid - He was chasing a completely different animal
  15. Yeah I reckon your calculations are about right I'll give the coconut fibre a go next
  16. Ok so here the final installment - 70 days in the fridge
  17. Yeah S.A. still has to deal with the the effing disgraceful flows coming out of the Murray to prop up the cotton industry up stream. I'd hate to see the traditional flows out the Murray mouth -compared to the trickle is receives due to the mega dams upstream. And those flows are 100% DECIDED BY POLITICIANS IN BED WITH THE COTTON INDUSTRY - THEY DONT EVEN DISPUTE IT - there are taped phone calls with the deputy director of the DPI which show him so far under the doona - I cant undertand why he wasnt immediately sacked then put in jail But he wasnt The problem with politic
  18. Dont get me wrong - I know environmental factors can have a huge influence on the presence of weed beds - and if you're looking for a villain - its easy to get political about it - but at the same time these grass beds disappeared - it happened to coincide with the dredging at the mouth of the bay. Suddenly one of our most iconic beaches - Portsea front Beach - a 100 year old icon - (that had been the crown in Victoria's foreshore)- got sucked away and had to be reinforced with huge sand bags The beach was gone and the sand bags were put in place, not to restore the beach - it was t
  19. What I cant work out about S.A. is - Melbourne is more densely populated - and the pollution running off our streets should be massive - and getting worse every year - but our recruitment - according to media - has had some very positive years in the last 20 - our dud years coincide with huge rains hitting around spawning time - the EPA says you shouldnt even get your feet wet after a big rain - as our sewerage pipes over flow into the bay - I've seen the brown coming out of our rock groins after a big dump Dont get me wrong - I used to fish whiting grass beds at the mouth of Port Philli
  20. Yeah when the NSW DPI did their research into threats to coastal and estuarine areas - pollution was a factor I didnt realise was such a big issue. I spose if you kill the grass beds the snapper fry rely on - you are going to have some big issues in recruitment
  21. This just came up in my facebook feed - those are some pretty scary numbers
  22. Yeah dont get me wrong - I'd take everything I have to say with a grain of salt - I never know, with any certainty, what actually happens under the water - these are just guesses And when it comes to circle hooks - I've had my livies convincingly out-fished by guys using circle hooks and frozen local squid - but I love striking fish too much to ever make the switch to circles - striking fish is a big part of the spectacle for me
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