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Everything posted by voogoofish

  1. I have two Penn Spinfishers...my oldest has served me well, been in salt, sand and underwater lots and still goes great!BUT: the drag sound has stopped.the bit that isn't working obviously doesn't have its spring from what I can see.the other Penn is modern... different system.Who can help...
  2. Shark_Fisho wrote: I agree... loved the tips there and hope to get a Hammer one day!!!
  3. will look over that more carefully after work, seems good!there's always talk about 'rolling gar flat with rolling pins' is tat crazy talk???
  4. is there a better way than mine (surely there is!!!)ok so the way I butterfly fillet garfish is this:1) scale2) behead & gut gar3) run thumb nail down inside of backbone breaking ribs away.4) fillet tail off both sides5) run knife tip around the backbone allowing backbone to be ripped out flesh free with tail attached.6) fillet ribs with a sharp knife.Am I making hard work for myself??because after standing in the rain, getting belted by mozzies & then hammered by a thunderstorm (in a t-shirt & shorts) I was thinking... man is there a quicker way???
  5. thanks, but I'm unsure of the casting of the fins that get cut off before the plastering, cause they don't get cast normally but glassed after they are dry...maybe someone has done it in our midst :side:
  6. Will it was well documented in Wildoast Mag (issue 5&6?) how to cast a fish... I wish I had those details 7 years ago but oh well, anyways:How do you cast a shark? or more importantly the fins of the sharks???? in a normal fish you cut off the fin & dry them, but obviously the fins of a shark are thicker and more 'fleshy'.Any advice appreciated, as if I catch a decent bronzie (or any shark over 5-6foot for that matter... I'm keen to add it to my BBQ fish cast wall
  7. Big mully jaws I think, and behind is the mako jaws from my uncle in law... serious shark action!
  8. no 2 pic, smaller bronzie... or maybe a schoolie, not sure
  9. no 1 pic... about a 5 foot bronzie still wired up from when fresh!
  10. ufish2 wrote: ok will try to do this arvo for ya, if not tomorrow night!
  11. hooking one of those as apposed to spearing is a great effort! well done!
  12. I like the different ways people do their jaws... mine is a variation on all the themes above:sharp knife, a lot of work and then when it looks nearly good enough to 'show' wack it into a weak solution of water & bleach (washing type). that makes the teeth whiter and the tiny bits of flesh missed fade away... but dont leave it in too long!all my bronzies have been under 6 foot (just) so the teeth aren't very "brag like" but I can take a picture if you are super keen!my uncle in law used to be a pro 20 years ago & gave me a big set of Mako teeth too... obviously I did not catch that b
  13. Rob of course is known to many as a great rod builder... I have a very solid shark rod made by him for off the beach from several years back... however...The PE Teacher @ the school I'm a chaplain at has been 'dipping his foot' back into the fishing arena. he's been enjoying catching little whiting & tommies off the metro jetties (throwing most back)yesterday he turned up to school stoked, he'd "brought home a feed" which was one tommie, but he was stoked. he's pulled his gear out and one of his reels was in disrepair. from what I gathered he ended up giving it over to rob for 5 minu
  14. Highfly wrote: 1cm bigger than mine... :silly:
  15. till that arvo/night my poor dad never caught anything with me... hence his name "Jonah" but we've decided that this fish breaks that "Jonah" hoodoo (not that I believe in hoodoo's)
  16. Also my apologies for what is on the beanie (fishsa .com) I just have that beanie from years gone by in my boat... it is NOT a subliminal way of promoting anything as I haven't been on a fishing site for years till yesterday
  17. http://img190.imageshack.us/i/30lbsnapperwithdad.mp4/did that work??? I hope so!
  18. Bottom of Yorkes, 7 meters of water, and with my whiting reel substituting for my snapper reel that broke on the previous trip. other snapper baits out were HUGE squid heads, but you guessed it this 106cm 31pound fish took a tiny bit of tentacle with a bit of guts/eye attached (possibly can't remember but it was a small bait). Dad had to pull up burley, other rods etc before grabbing the camera so the most significant runs were over, but to be honest this fish didn't fight as well as 20 odd pounders (avatar pic)... even 10 pounders have taken me to the cleaners better! the difference with t
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