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Everything posted by srick

  1. all good news fellas. well done on your posts/morals. i just cant stand the floggers that fish every weekend and keep everyfish. when their freezers a full give it away. its just insanity. i gets me real devo. all they doing is crashing their own partys. there will be none for them to flog. :icon_evil: :icon_evil: :icon_evil: :icon_evil: :icon_evil: :icon_evil: :icon_evil: :icon_evil:
  2. must be a yellow fin bream. i know they get them on the east coast
  3. i myself dont dont like to keep many big fish that i catch. i would prefer to let it go for someone else to have a chance at catchin. i dont see the point, cos the littler one taste better anyway. i would love to know what others think about this matter, as it sickens me to think that my kids or grandkids might not ever have a chance at catchin a big mullie,king or red. not saying the odd fish isnt okay to keep for food but when people keep them for no reason other than to stock the freezer or for crab bait its just insane.. this has come about after seeing big breeders of late taken from plac
  4. thanks pilli now i believe we are on to somethin. 64 ismore like it
  5. yeah and his finger is huge in scale of things. plus look at the sleve of his left hand it hangs down heaps too much hey. so that in scale would be wrong to. still dont believe sorry
  6. i dont know yet either lads. did anyone hear of a weight> would have to be 4-5kilo? if its real? and why not a record claim? has to be the biggest ever if true??????/??/????? ???
  7. i think less than a week its out, he said yesterday to me.
  8. i would NOT fish the lowly rip in a yack thats just crazy. that rip is dangerous as. you will end up kms up the gulf if you paddle into it. the current is just too servere.
  9. lol. he looks like it got off not caught. lol. 8)
  10. great footage there lads well done. 8) makes me wanna take the camera out fishin next time
  11. my new biggest 14.61kilo from port. [file name=pw8QSQYu__mullie_14.61kilo size=19302]http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/pw8QSQYu__mullie_14.61kilo[/file]
  12. thats a wicked catch and flick mate. your a lucky man to hook a white small enough to land. wild stuff
  13. good fishie forsure gi joe. surprised to hear the mullie you released swam away easily. i was devostated to have one die a few weeks back after two flicks. i tried real hard to revive it but it seamed lifless and had way too much air in it to keep under water. i like you will get rob to tag my first 20kilo mullie and never planned on killing that 15kilo jewie. i tagged one a month before that estimated at around 14kilo that in itself took almort two hours to get strong enough to release. they seam weak fish. ill take better care on the next way to good to be caught once i say.
  14. i think it could work. trial and error the only way to find out forsure.
  15. im only guessin brooksie but yeah round that i think. ill let you know exact next time i chat to him
  16. one meter mullie around $450 over twenty hours work in one like that
  17. they have done a pretty good job.
  18. i like long rods for beaches with big swell, ten plus foot works for me. i have a 12footer and a ten for small swell. and hard to go past penn spinfishers for strong smooth lifelong salmon reel. oh yeah cheap also.
  19. firstly its a tough game, many people go thirty trips between fish and thats allnighters at that. that out the way, ten to 15kilo gear is adaquit. like heavy snapper gear is the go. as for spots the best way to get hookups is to fish the bridges up river. you can get the bigs and schoolies there. its the best place to fish for them. then when you get into them you can upgrade to the harder spots where you only get biggies. at these spots theres alot of time between fish but you will have to find them 8). hope this helps goodluck mate.
  20. i think she has no parasites myself tully. dont you know when the kings up there hear addict is commin up they start to fast and only eat the bait he presents and he delayed his first trip up this year till now thats why he is lean. :icon_lol: : but yeah well done again mate, you love it up there. lol. :icon_lol:brilliant stuff. QUESTION. what was that, you wanted me to change my name to robs nickname? loook closer to home me thinks lol. but definatally great fish bud.
  21. im with ranger tld,s are the cheapest and the best. ive got mates that have caught heaps of sharks/kings over ten years with the same tld? that means they last. 8)
  22. he said to me last night he will try get on here to do so one day soon.
  23. found out how to use my scanner, heres my gleesons mullie caught in about 2004, 11 somethin kilo. 25lbs http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/P40pqUz6__fishy_photos_0004.jpg[/img]
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