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Posts posted by AJ171

  1. If you are inexperienced I strongly suggest that you do not attempt any such Snorkelling/diving/free diving unless you are under the proper supervisionof and very experienced person. Conditions on these parts of the coastline can change very quickly and you can get caughtout at a moments notice. Especially if you are unaware of the warning signs. A meal of fresh seafood is not worth yours or a friends life!!! :sh Sorry to burst your bubble but to many people experienced people get caught out. Let alone inexperienced ones that are new to the country and coastline. Stay safe, Cheers AJ

  2. I've bought a couple of rods from there and big w in the past for when mates withoutmuch gear come for a fish and I have to say they have performed pretty well for the price. Recently got a 6'6 2 piece, 2-4kg at Kmart for $20-$30 and that made a great little casting and squiding setup. I think for the money they are worth it for having a spare couple of rods handy and if theybreak you're not really losing all that much cash. Cheers, AJ

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