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Everything posted by stevem27

  1. I know its a long shot but the rear roller assembly fell off my boat trailer between west beach boat ramp and Glenelg, its a set of 4 blue rollers and I thought someone might have picked them up with a view of finding the owner and returning them. Thanks
  2. Did the drive to Cape Jervis yesterday and it was well worth it, hit the water at 6.00am with two mates on the boat, first cast (3km out) brought in 5 snapper on the three paternoster rigs, we caught our limit of 15 snapper in around 20 minutes of mayhem all around 45-50cm, tried some other marks for bigger ones but we were plauged with the same size fish and called it a day on the snapper and went in closer for some snook and squid and had a great day and in by 12.00 noon.
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