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Everything posted by squidling

  1. ive mostly gone for them in mornings and usually i get them from just after sunrise till about 9am-then they get very touchy even though you can see a whole school of them at the back of your boat in the burley trail. I use gents, but if they are touchy or you dont catch too many with them try small strips of pilchard or small prawn pieces with the shell on. you can even try mince meat mixed with abit of semolina and fish oil to form a quite firm paste and put abit on your hook. Also i dont use floats- just one size 10 hook about 70cm trace with a split shot about 10cm from the start of the ho
  2. youve got a bit experience over me yorky,ive only been snappering with a boat or even from land, for only the past 2 years and never caught one at wallaroo yet. i had beginners luck the very first time i went out for snapper with the old man at outer harbour, with my first ever snapper being a 7 kg whopper and the same with my dad- that was an unforgettabe day- but ever since then its been abit hit and miss down there-but i just love it-the thrill and excitmeent of a rod screaming and taking off-ive been going quite alot locally at north haven-ive only got a 15ft boat and dont go out that far
  3. impressive. ive heard of some whoppers caught around there and not far out either. I want to try afew spots over christmas -going up there for a week. also around magazine on southern side
  4. That sounds like a good idea. I have seen whole large legs/claws of blueys in the belly of large snapper too and have thought about trying one of these for bait as well. It would be interesting to see if anyone has got a big snapper with such a bait. I might try one day if other baits arent working.
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