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Shark Fishing Burley and Crabbers

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hey allShark fishos aren't allowed to use burley because it attract sharks right, well Wat do u think crabbers are doing, its the same thing putting some smelly fish crap in the ocean which stinks.Same as burleying! I was sharking last month down a local jetty and a person next to me pulled his crab net up and it stunk like something had died rotton in it and it would've been better then any burley for sharks and shark fishos are getting blamed attracting all the sharks around the joint like Grange Etc??? :fishing: :stir:

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Yep i think thats right. as long as your not using any meat its all good... but does that apply only to shore and jety fishing cos i thought u can still use meat for crabbing in a boat? not sure though...and i think they were blaming crabbers just as much, if not more.

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Yeah thats right..this is what i found from the fisheries website...enjoy!!i]BerleyBerleying is a method used to attract fish and is generally an accepted fishing practice. The use of certain berley may attract sharks and has the potential to endanger the lives of swimmers, divers and other water users in the same area.For this reason, blood, bone, meat, offal or the skin of an animal, including birds, may not be used as berley when fishing in any marine waters of the State.Fish and fish based products may be used.When fishing for crabs, fishers are permitted to use fish or fish based products only. It is illegal to use bone, meat, offal or the skin of an animal including birds as bait in crab nets

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't fully understand this rule so I hope someone can clarify it for me as I can't make any sense of it. I have looked on the fisheries website and i've also printed off the relevant act and all I can make from it is that you can use ANY fish based burley. This legislation was brought in to stop people attracting sharks and I can sort of understand where they are coming from by not allowing animal meat to be used but...What is stopping me from chumming up a jetty with chunks of fish and a drum of fish oil? The legislation technically allows this but that would definitely attract sharks, so how does it work? I can't see the logic in the legislation.Any suggestions or opinions would be much appreciatedCheers Tom

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there is no logic to the new ruling buddy as has been discussed before you are def gonna attract more sharks with a slab of tuna and 20 ltrs of tuna oil ??? but as also discussed before people are sick to death of the chicken carcases and the likes being left on the jetties..and we are led to believe that this had become that serious they were tempted to bann crabbing on our jetties..hence the banning of the meat and poultry products...fair trade of really i would prefer to use fish products and stikll be allowed to crab from our jetties ;D but remember the real isue here its the dicks leaving crap laying around that have done this and stuffed it for everyone and continue to do it to this day .hissy. .hissy. :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: remember this is mostly speculation i may be wrong if so correct me ;)

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Yeah Carps I totally agree. It just seems odd that they make such a big deal about it in the paper and on the news. It truly is a pity that more fisherman don't care about the environment or even just respect the fact that other fishers use the same jetties as them and they should tidy up after themselves.I was at browns beach the other week and was fishing right down the end of the lagoon. On my walk back I must have picked up at least 15 bottles and cans that were strewn about the beach from careless fishers that night. I also stepped on some gang hooks that were sitting in the sand near the water which wasn't pretty. There was also heaps of rubbish around the campground.I must admit i'm tired of finding metres and meters of line on jetties as well as hooks and empty pilchard and cockle bags. There is nothing worse than walking down a jetty and stepping on a broken chicken carcass and cutting your feet too. Its a pity that more people don't care

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What is stopping me from chumming up a jetty with chunks of fish and a drum of fish oil?

Absolutely nothing! And fisheries have confirmed that!Welcome to the real world of bullsh*t and beaurocratic bunglers!This ruling is nothing but a farce! It has NOTHING to do with sharks, and EVERYTHING to do with beaurocracy!It's about littering, complaints from residents and council threats....NOTHING MORE! The councils wanted to close the jetties to fishing, and THAT is why the fisheries laws were changed!Bottom line though, is we brought it all on ourselves, by the disgraceful attitude and behaviour of those using the local jetties......so suck it up and wear it, coz if you don't, the next thing you'll see is the NO FISHING signs going up instead!Do not under any circumstances put a chicken wing into your crab net, but by all means, take your drum of tuna oil, your trailer load of fish offal, toss it all off the end of the jetty, get a slick running the length of the gulf, and line up all your sharking outfits, because that is perfectly legal and quite acceptable!
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Ah if only. I use all the carp I catch in the torrens for fishing as well as stingrays as they are a very easy to get and sustainable bait. I'm going to get a kayak soon so I won't be fishing on jetties for too much longer hopefully :) The other thing that gets me is people leaving dead fish on jetties too, somehow i always manage to step on them. Totally live for it though, just a pity I can't get out more often.I'm very keen to get into crabbing off the kayak later in the year, just waiting for the boat show so I can hopefully pick up a bargain...

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