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When did it all get this diffucult????

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how come fishing is so expensive? ie bait, equipment, petrol :S how come if i can afford the bait i cant afford the time?what ever happened to turnin to ya best mate and sayin "wana go fishn?" and an hour later you were on some pretty s.a beach watchin the sun sink behind a wave? now it seems to take 2 weeks prep and bull :blink: to head down for a good fish. you gotta work around the kids sport and school and when ya best mate can convince the missus shed be better off alone this weekend ( she hates fishn and camping )agggh, i dunno just seems it used to be easier.maybe i appreciate it more these days though?

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This year i said to myself iam gonna make more time to go fishing with the kids, get back to basics and enjoy the outdoors more from now on!so far this year we are averaging 2 or 3 sessions a week :woohoo: But yes its def getting deared, cockles the other weekend at Elliot were $25 for 700gram bag :dry: Iam in the process of setting up worm breeding tanks to, cause $5 for tubs of 30 worms is getting rediculous!When you set your mind to it, theres ways to save money.....

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im trying to go fishing every day on my holidays.... so far im not doing to bad, have only missed 2 days when we were camping.but ive now fished 7 times already since last monday... bait is super expensive, so i try and get my own, which isnt easy in summer... squid just dont want to play.but im just back from a boat trip, for 5 whiting, 1 gar, 4 squid, 42 puffers, and 68 shitiies..., so im good for squid bait for a couple of days at least.i kept the smaller shitties, and fed the rest to 7 dolphins around the back of the boat in the marina... but then some swedish tourists came up, who had never seen the likes of hand feeding a dolphin before, so i gave her the dowzen small shitties and said knock yaself out...

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think its called getting old mate :) not a care in the world when ur younger no commitments ect as for bait get down goolwa for ur cockels and i reuse everything garfish frames become crab bait...crabs shells smash them up become berly for kgs and snaps squid heads kg and snapper bait list goes on i only buy gents which are dear as hell too :)

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