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King Monkey

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Everything posted by King Monkey

  1. .....any been seen / caught on metro beaches yet?CheersMonkey
  2. King Monkey


    they're definately in there,my best is 4 in one session using frozen blood worms,but like was said,too many small bait stealers as well
  3. I use Seaguar Grandmax FX fluorocarbon leader,attached to braid by double uni knot,hasn't failed yet (and never will..........................touch wood)Monkey
  4. Just wondering what you guys think,is it worth driving all the way to Goolwa for 300 cockles ,i know they're about $18~$20Kg ,but how many kilos do you get from 300 cockles?Monkey
  5. Here is the federal ministers email......: joe.ludwig@maff.gov.auLets let him know that he serves us,at least he should!
  6. honestly,what's wrong with these so called politicians ,is it just about money (in taxes or possibly...........?)>They serve us ,and we say NO!
  7. It looks like that montrosity of a floating fish factory will ,for at least part of the time,be docked in SA AND FISH!Contact the minister (Gago) at this email address: minister.gago@sa.gov.auand let her know its not welcome.Monkey
  8. Sorry to say but I think the EPA is rubbish.I'm trained in marine biology and after noticing continual murky water / silting going on for a month near Brighton (when there was no storm run off) I contacted them.They replied..."well we think it might be this...or we think it might be that....useless ,I asked them if their mandate was to "think" of possibilites or to actually investigate...no response. From my studies I know that it doesnt take long at all to lose a sea grass bed to silting (oh,and by the way...they said the sand pipeline digging going on around the area had nothing to do with i
  9. @crispy,so many times dogs (not on leashes) have gone through and even pissed on my gear on the beach while I'm wading....very simple solution....put them on a lead (I think they have to be any way by law in most areas)Monkey
  10. Hi all,going to be fishing Yorkes in july and was wondering what the chances are of encountering Kingies land based (Pt .Giles / Kleins point etc...)were?I know they hang around in the warmer months but what about winter?Cheers , Monkey
  11. Hi guys,have noticed some guys using bait pumps in West Lakes,any idea what sort of worms they are getting and are they useful?Monkey
  12. Just got a 30lb Kingfish in the lake this morning but wouldn't you know,dropped this fish back into the water when taking the photo and lost the camera too,damn,can I still have my $100? lolOn a more serious note,not many people believed there were 40lb mulloway in there once upon a time so who knows but would have to er on the side of NO at the moment.Monkey
  13. Polaroid Glarefoils...cheap but work well
  14. ...what's a good alternative to gents when gar fishing,fish flesh,prawn,bread...what do you think?Monkey
  15. ..hi,just wondering if anyone knew of any places to dig mud cockles on the mid to lower Yorke Peninsula?Cheers
  16. Hi,i catch them all the time while rock fishing and they are really great eating IF ....you skin them.We eat them raw as sashimi , fry them up etc...all good but the skin must be removed.I have been catching them up to 1Kg recently and boy do they put up a fight on light line at that size!Monkey
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