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Everything posted by fishnfreak

  1. ive been using Dads boat as a mothership to fish some reefs wide of Pt Hughes, been about 10kms out so far, but just a paddle around, no fish
  2. Yea mate ill be hitting the grounds hard once i get a chance to get away from work.Thanks guys
  3. Yep i was witness to this same thing about a month ago, and once a man of certain nationality who was calmy removing claws from undersize blues and throwing the carcases in the water.Good luck talking to them, all you get is a blank look, and a shrug of the shoulders
  4. First two pics i would say they are female blue throated wrasse, but the last looks like a Female/Juvenile senator wrasse.Both are resonably common in shallow reefy areas in SA
  5. Nice reels guys, i was looking at one over the last couple of days on a beastmaster 24kg rod for a nice 500bucks. But i ended up going for a Tyrnos 30 on a TCurve Tyrnos heavy. I reckon it was the rod that sold it for me. That, and the anti-reverse on the reel.Plus it is shiny
  6. Mate have you seen the price of booze lately, free my ass
  7. great video mate, where did you launch? i would love to try for a 3 footer on light spin gear
  8. righto, didnt realise it was not council run.
  9. yep, i hate having to worry about leaving your car in a car park while on the water. Imagine coming back in your boat and not being able to retreive due to your car and trailer being stolen.The way i see it is you are paying to use the ramp and park there, therefore it should be the councils duty to ensure the park is safe.
  10. yeah mate, he stipulates that in some words he has left us at the bottom of his last picture
  11. haha, by the way, why do you guys call Pt Jackson sharks Doggies? Ive never understood it, is it just a nickname?
  12. im starting to kick myself for not going with you guys, but i reckon the bosses would give me a sharp kick in the ass if i took more time off haha
  13. i tend to stick with fish based products, and i like to go to a fish market and get them to fill up 3-5 10l buckets and i then mince them, add quite a lot of tuna oil and some pellets. I use the pellets to give it some body to help attract other fish.This concoction makes Garfish STs, and slimy macs and similar fish for that matter, go crazy, and that in itself is a form of burley.
  14. cheers guys, i am planning on tackling Pt Elizabeth many times this summer, point riley too. Pt Elizabeth i will be camping on the beach to be able to hit it up at dawn, i cannot wait for summer.
  15. Thanks to those who PM'd me.I was asking for spots, not a lecture on safety. Thanks for the concern, though.
  16. hey guys,I understand inshore snapper spots can be few and far between, but iam after some reliable spots within 4km from shore to fish from a kayak. I am a catch and release fisho, who would like to keep maybe a small rugger for tea once in a while.Please dont post spots here as i would hate to be the person who outs someones secret spot, so send a PM.If someone can help me out it would be great, i would be very thankful. ROB
  17. shouldnt be long till the next one hey Smurf??
  18. cheers mate, be a big help!
  19. Im looking for a place that carries 12v Bilge Pump, 500Gallon preferably less for use with my live bait tank on my kayak. I have found heaps that are more, but they will overflow the tank
  20. I have and use two TLD 20s, with 15kg mono. I caught a 6ft bronzie on ANZAC day weekend, and i worked it over in double time. Great little workhorses. that said i am planning on doing a bit of LBG fishing for sharks next season, so i am getting a TLD50 II-speed
  21. hey mate, i dont know about everyone else, but my views are;-levelwinds are notorious for sticking, and general wear, this is probably a result of poor maintainance but i thought it was a good point-I was advised that hooking a fish like a big kingfish, it may be able to outrun the levelwind system-When using braid the braid can rub through the levelwind runner
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