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Everything posted by squidley

  1. my biggest one was about 12 inches from the lake at andrews farm about a yr ago sorry no pics but smooo on here was with me he can confirm it
  2. mine gets that bad i use the presure cleaner lol
  3. hey calif your mrs sees this post mate she might be slapping you around the head with a fish lol prob a smelly carp at that {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif
  4. lol thats what i use as well also doubles up as a donger for stubborn fish
  5. i thought i had great vison till i had my eyes checked {SMILIES_PATH}/shocked.gif and those cheap specks make reading a lot easier lol
  6. its a pity the plans of the new jetty are only half as long as the origanal one tho
  7. [i'ver got a lot to say on this subject, but I've gotta nip out to St Kilda Tackle & Tucker to do a little sucking up for a project I'm working on, so maybe I'l;l come back to this when I have time later. gee you working on sponsership for free hotdogs now {SMILIES_PATH}/tongue.gif
  8. whatevers cheap at kmart at the time {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif
  9. With your knees and back mate? well i can stay on the beach and cook the barbie while you collect my share lol
  10. just out of intrest what is the price of the imported ones over the counter ?
  11. im just waiting for ranger to go cockling again maybe i can hitch a ride {SMILIES_PATH}/grin.gif
  12. so whos boat are we tacking this year ranger?
  13. well seeing as salt water would not be the carps natural habitat i see no problem in using thenm as bait for snapper and its not like ya chucking them in live anyways . i dunno what do you reckon alanhcheers squidley
  14. ah that would have been our old mate alan with the bronzie havent seen him about in ages :-(
  15. so will the goolwa cockle train now be called the goolwa pipi train ? .just dosent have the same ribg about it cheers squidley
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