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Everything posted by newtontoney

  1. no..it a 4120 pacific composites rod....just wondering what the 3000 HG written on the blank means. Thanks though mate.
  2. anyone know what the 3000 HG means ??
  3. yes.....very clean as sashimi.....up there with (if not just better than tuna sashimi), big thin slices fridge cold, good quality soy sauce, wasabi if you like the stuff, and even some kewpie Japanese mayo,im drooling just thinking about it man.
  4. just curious if anyone has used the line one jerry brown braid ? what do you think ?
  5. fair enough....I don't know much on this subject, and I just assumed that if a rod was loaded to hard in "the opposite" direction it would cause slight damage. im obviously wrong . Thanks for the info projoe .
  6. correct me if im wrong though..but surely the blank is bending in the opposite direction spin/overhead use...how doesn't this damage the blank ? I don't understand how this works
  7. hmm...iv seen rods up for sale made by some of the best rod builders in Adelaide(10-15yr old rods), they are apparently available to be used as overhead and spin, its a deliberate thing I would suggest. just unsure how they do it. and if it effects the blank
  8. Have seen it a few times with older style surf rods....some of the rods are apparently set up for spin and overhead, they have the amount of guides you would expect to see on an overhead rod, but the guides are spin. Can anyone explain how this works ? does this cause stress on the blank ? cheers,
  9. @ nanman , few fish of a lifetime there man nice 1
  10. iv used the spectra type braid off of ebay for years and never had a problem, caught tuna, sharks, rays, snapper, on it no worries, never let me down. My mate uses it in his boat too for same species and has never been let down. some of the braid he has had on his reels for a few years and still not a problem. If there was a cheaper option in local stores id definitely use it, but I personally cant afford to use very expensive braids on my reels. I have too many other vices
  11. I have a few head torches for night fishing but can anyone recommend I light that is long lasting that gives off generous amounts of light that can be attached to a surf rod holder ? or maybe a standing light that is attached to a pole that can be placed in the sand ?? cheers.
  12. anyone got or used an Avet reel ? what did you think ?
  13. I have an original 5120 overhead too mate...sanded blank just like yours....I have 1 in spin also...great rods... I was just curious as to what people thought/comparisons to the new snyders by Wilson. I ended up getting a 7153... chris_64... I wanted a large fiberglass surf rod for sharks and mullies (if im lucky) in summer...for lobbing out dirty chunks of bait/big livies I thought about getting my 5120's extended but decided to keep them as is, as they are wicked as is. i paid 210 for it...I felt it was worth it....Wilson and Snyder are both quality in my opinion. They do loo
  14. Anyone have a Snyder glas surf rod made by Wilson ? Anyone know how they compare to the original Snyder glas ? Are they still manufactured in Australia or china ? cheers,
  15. can anyone confirm they are they same blank ?
  16. What is the difference between them ?
  17. iv have just purchased a new smoker, and only ever previously used basic smoker shavings in my old smoker. Is anyone clued up with the variations of wood chips available and what types of foods they are best suited for ? what chips do you find best for fish ? chicken ? pork ribs etc ? mmmm......pork ribs. cheers,
  18. Thinking of hitting up a few new locations this coming salmon season....has anyone had good experiences on salmon at butlers beach ? or any of the beaches near butlers ? cheers,
  19. cheers for the input so far lads......abu have made it clear as mud though hey. I was thinking of getting a pro rocket but cannot justify how they are that much better from the other abu's, im wanting maximum distance from my reel and my 6500 c3 does a fairly good job in the right conditions, just curious if these rockets are in another league or is it all talk. What is making them better.
  20. have witnessed some kind of predatory fish smashing up bait fish in that marina at night just before heading out on a boat (not huge fish tho)....mullies was what we came to the assumption they were. iv never fished there tho
  21. Anyone have one of these ? what is it like compared to the older abu's for distance casting ? they look like the nicest range of the "new style" abu's to me.
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