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Everything posted by Meppstas

  1. Thanks doobie, it did take my breath too as I had to make my way downstream in the fast water to try and keep up with it. Using a ultra thin 4 lb mono I was a little worried the line would part ways at the knot, thankfully it held. cheers Adrian
  2. I've always used the right hand for casting and retrieving a lure when trout fishing. It's something one gets used to over doing it for 57 years, by the time my lure hits the water I have the rod in my left hand and the right hand on the reel handle. When trout fishing small streams and rivers it requires a lot of accurate casting in tight narrow bushy lined stretches of water, casting right handed makes it a lot easier and save a lot of untangling line and lure from the bushes etc. If I were in open water fishing it probably wouldn't matter all that much casting left handed. Yes, I see yo
  3. This is just a short video of the second best trout that I've caught in a river this season. I took a gamble filming it with my Canon camera while holding the trout rod in my left hand, thankfully the trout made it into the net. It certainly tested out the fine (0.15mm diameter) Platypus Pulse ultra thin 4lb premium mono line too. Thanks for watching.. This video is HD make sure you change setting to suit.. cheers Adrian.
  4. That's one great informative article Des, thanks for sharing it with us.. cheers Adrian
  5. Plenty of good info there Des.. cheers Adrian
  6. Thanks doobie, it seems to be taking longer to recover now days.. maybe I just have to slow down and be a little more selective on what waters I fish.. not that it will happen yet, maybe next trout season I'll try doing that.. cheers Adrian
  7. It's been a couple now due to lower back & rib problems, so I thought I'd put up a past spin session from December 2021. This video is one of many that haven't been on YouTube yet. Thanks for watching.. ** Good news, I have now improved and now getting back into the swing of things so will have new reports coming soon.. cheers Adrian (meppstas)
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