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Everything posted by Gonzo

  1. Well, long overdue feedback on the worms...In future I will stick to the real ones. Why I'm saying this is that the moment that you cast you bait with this worms on it, the small peckers are on it like a storm. I used them in combination with squid and caught cast for cast black tails, but the real fish did not like them.(The attached was captured on a real bait.)They lost me as a customer, I will have to pump for the real thing.
  2. @Kelvin From South Africa...and the cricket thing was not meant to be an offensive thing.@4THALOVE If your broom is catching fish this size keep it.
  3. There is a good model from SA (the fish was caught this weekend)....and good luck with the cricket!!!
  4. This stuff should be really good.I purchased 4 packets and put all of them in the front pocket of my fishing bag (ready for the last 2 weeks for fishing). The bag was left in the garage. Someone left the door leading to the house open and my dog chaw all the worms.I found only pieces of the packets in the doggy bed. Let's hope that the fish likes them, too:lol:
  5. And one from the front...
  6. I'm using this. No pulling or pushing, still managing and enjoying the hard walk, but really some good ideas in most of the posts.
  7. Scientific name: Lithugnathus lithognathusCommon names: White steenbras; Pignose grunterHABITATADULTS: Individuals >650mm extend their range into deeper water (<25 m) (Bennett 1993b). A large proportion of these mature fish may be concentrated in the SWC JUVENILES: 0+ juveniles are estuarine dependent for their first year of life but may remain for 2 years or more. Adolescents (1-5 years, < 650 mm) inhabit the surf-zones of sandy and mixed shores where they are fairly resident (Bennett 1993b) MIGRATION: Annual spawning migration commencing in Autumn, northwards and eastwards to the no
  8. Thank you for the response.In South Africa one of the most valued angling species is the White Steenbras (Not sure if you get similar fish in Australia).They love blood worms, white mussel. I will try targeting them during my fishing trip in December and let you know what were the results.
  9. Hi everybody,Brand new on your forum. I was attracted by this article.In preparation for December holidays (fishing, I stumbled upon some dried blood worms in the tackle shop and grabbed few packets. I never used them before and wander are they really good substitution for the real thing?
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