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Everything posted by mwilson

  1. Any reel over $500 dollars works well on attracting kings.Along with blue washing baskets as below.... http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/a4cLHrLs__kingie.jpg[/img]
  2. The locals who fish down there with alveys would enjoy reading this.I use a tld-20, I've found it awesome for sitting in the rod holder doing fuck all for several days at a time while the kings sit there looking at me.If I had a better reel surely they would take my bait!
  3. I normally use a penn sports rod for snapper 8-10 O/H model.Does the job fairly well for the price I paid and took a beating. Its finally started to die on me with a couple of guides cracking and causing some unwanted bust offs.I am looking at a similar rod and saw the rovex magnites, I'd probably go for the 6 or 8kg model and team it up with a tekota 500. They seem to have a reasonable action.Anyone have any opinions on these or anything else worth looking at? I'm looking to spend up to $150 on a rod although these are priced at a lot less.CheersMarty.
  4. I've found its more of a case of putting in the hours rather than finding a magic spot, for the big ones anyway.
  5. Found a flyer in the kiosk at osullies.
  6. Bit of a sea-fog that day...Never assume where mate, lots of water out there... although definetaly not the noarlunga tyre reef
  7. Pulled this one off a heavily flogged metro mark in the middle of summer, great quick after work session ! http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/ulhAMmz7__snapper.jpg[/img]
  8. Took a while to crack this one but was happy when I did. http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/aLYN0KGl__snappy.jpg[/img]
  9. No disrespect to those involved but I can confirm this report as my old man was involved in the search and rescue process.The boat was found at a very solid anchor and divers were sent down to inspect, confirming their suspicions of another boat attached as an intended reef.On the news report on TV you could actually see the rope from the stern holding the boat in place.Sad stuff indeed.
  10. Great photos snake, would also be interested to know when those beasts were taken.If only the barge still produced !
  11. Nice work.I had an attempt on saturday after hearing the news. It was bloody rough out there thats for sure- wind, tide and boat were all going in different directions which made balloning a bait out really hard - even off the boat.
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