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Everything posted by Barbz

  1. Barbz


    thats a good idea dan
  2. ye mate the weve got a 540 runabout with the 115 merc too.. there a great boat wit plenty of room, but wouldnt complain if i had the cuddy either
  3. mate very nice video... is that a northbank boat your fishing in ?? coz it looks a lot like mine cheers barbz
  4. Barbz


    just tie the ballon with a special knot that slides the balloon off the line when u get a decent run im still trying to master that not
  5. thanks for the info azza...not too long back a guy told me a decent white come up and smashed a snapper he caught of the jetty at port giles too.. they must be around there a fair bit, and especially with those seals now around the place.. wouldnt like to fall in off that jetty :S :S
  6. Barbz


    ye ive heard of sharks coming up to the crab nets and taking the baits out of them...
  7. Barbz


    ... i rekon ill stick 250-200 mark dont wonna c my spool if i get a run
  8. Barbz


    tp i do the same thing as you lol.. red ive got a tiagra and a TLD 50 which both have a fair good line capacity Barbz
  9. cheers for the clarification azza.. snapper off peoples lines :S ive only heard of whites doing that... are threshers a good strong fight ?? how long did it take u to get them in?? cheers mate barbz
  10. Barbz


    are u able to see the balloon proply in the day light ??
  11. hay guysjust got a question for you guys that balloon off jettys.. usually how far do you have the balloons out from the jetty ? ive seen balloons at least 400-500 meters away from the jetty and was wondering is that necessary to have it that far the further the better ?? ive usually have mine roughly over 100 meters away or sometimes even less but ye just wondering what you guys think cheers guys Barbz
  12. azza with those salmon baits did u have fillets or them hole?? coz i noe that they have small mouths and are fussy eaters...
  13. good catches boys.. yet to land a big seven gill but.. apparently they dont fight pretty hard.
  14. ive found that whilst fishing the outer harbor channel the other side of the rock wall ive caught heeps of garfish from there on jents and cockles, amongst them are tommies aswell...but u got to bearly up aswell not sure how that spot goes in the winter, id imagine it would still be alright
  15. for snapper id be using the gulps but i prefer the squidgies flick baits they keep longer, and ive caught more fish on them too.
  16. good reels man.. hopefully u christen it if u havnt already, this sharking season ; c u out there
  17. what size is ur senator dude ?
  18. nices shots man the stenhouse jetty one looks freeky suits the place.. theres that many freeky fish there
  19. a nice chum trail is always important, metro i usually target them in the warmer months and in winter ul c me fishing around the yorkes for them coz were always a chance around there 1000m of 30 yo-zuri line, 400pound windon on a TLD 50A on a 27-34kg ROD (broomstick lol) and a tiagra 30W 1200m of 30 yo-zuri, 400pound wind on with a 15-24 kg rod. 200 pound coated wire or 400 pound mono with 2 10/0 hooks :)and about 2 meters of trace line.. will be trying to smash sharks off the metro beaches this summer to keep away from the crabbers throwing nets over my lines :@
  20. cheers for the clarification buddy i couldnt work it out lol ... Barbz
  21. having another geeze at the 10 ftr.. is that chain at the end of it tied to a rope ??
  22. cheers for that man,, more of a reason to get down there and give it a go once again bud very nice catch :cheer:
  23. thats an awsome catch man where abouts in S.A is that place u caught it ??unlucky about the first shark thow would of been nice to c that one swim off too
  24. ye there is also tuna in my pool but na if that is the case ill be there every day trying lolimpossible is nothing..
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