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coonta kinta

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Everything posted by coonta kinta

  1. Now I expect that many of you will have seen this guy in some short segments that seem to do the rounds on line. But I've stumbled across his website that shows complete episodes of his show and man are they cracker shows.In a two part series, he is catching tuna INXS of 500kg reportedly in amoungst some VERY BIG commercial fishing vessels.Not sure how you'll go watching, as here at work we must run some very fast broadband allowing me to watch instantly as if it were TV, but believe me its worth trying to have a look. Enjoy!http://www.theultimatefishingshow.com/as+seen+on+the+show/online+epis
  2. Fair anf good point mr 10%. But Like ranger I live a considerable distance from the grounds and whilst that in itself is not an excuse, if the limit is voluntary, and I am opperating within the law, i have no problem with taking my 600. Would be a VERY different mater if I had access to those areas on a more consistant basis.I know that its a hypocritical view, especially as I dont follow that sentiment into my fishing, its difin8ly a catch what I need, not what I can senerio, but as I mentioned I dont have the opportunity to visit the place regularly so I make the trip worth my while
  3. voluntry bag reduction my RS if I can legally take 600 guess how many I'll be taking!
  4. Butters do you gut the salmon trout or fillet them before freezing? Never had any success freezing whole fish unless they've been gutted and cleaned. Otherwise they still seem to go mushy when thawed.Had the same problem with mackeral even after they were cleaned before freezing. Would putting the mack's in a slurry make much difference do you think?
  5. I have been given a couple of green lip abalone, but my culinary skills leave much to be desired in regard to these highly sought after shellfish. So I am giving myself to you, the not so culinary challenged, to give me some assistance and ideas on how to make the most of this fine cuisine.Thanks in advance
  6. I've found a freezer is a BIG help in storing bait. tends to get smelly and fly blown otherwise. Then again there's a tip for another bait!
  7. Sammson, is the fact that the braid is wrapping around the rod tip, due to the fact that it is twisting? The line that is! If your lures are twisting and you dont have a swivel, the line twist will build up and cause you all manner of greif. Same thing if your bait spins in fast flowing water, unless you ahve the correct size swivel, it wont function properly and will create twist.
  8. hang in there mickyj it cant be too far now
  9. I do to Luke, that is I wrap the braid around the loop in the mono, but if this is cutting the mono leader perhaps doing the other way, looping the braid and wraping the leader will see a better result for you
  10. Ah I see. U guys do it differently to me. If I was fishing light, its my main line that is light, tied to a heavier leader and then my trace.Probably harder the way u do it coz there'd be less stretch and forgiveness in the line. So your captures on light tackle are probably more noteworthy.Luke what if you tie the leader to the braid instead of teh other way? Assuming u use an albright, wrap the mono around the braid instead of the braid around the mono? Or does the braid pull through on account of its finish?Does that make sense?
  11. Rangers is gonna hate me for this, BUT seen some Strudwicks, same as I use for less than $70 on a well known mail order site in Coffs Harbour
  12. Luke dumb question, but are u lubricating the knotts? Used to use 1kg Chamelion and found it to be quite strong for knotting. Unlike 1kg Pretest which was crap after a short time
  13. Ha ha ha Thats more like it. bring out the 1kg
  14. 4lb line ya pussy's comon guys get serious and put some REAL light line on them reels. Ha ha ha Nice video guys, even if they are only stinkies. Keep em coming
  15. Weaver, thats a slim looking carp, huh! Musta been to weight watchers or something!
  16. Pescados, yes there are. They are used by a firm tradinga s charlie carp. They market a brand of fertilizer based on carp products. Not to sure how much is carp etc etc etc, but they use it. Not sure where they are based or how they source it.The other use for them I believe is as cray bait so again someone must be collecting and selling them. As a result, a carp day which in itself would be a good idea, may not get the support it needs in having the fish disposed of in the way you suggest. Although, it would be worth looking at how the huge number of carp caught at past river comps have been
  17. That's a killa pic for sure. Gotta love conditions like that.Need to photoshop it with a large fin HA HA HA
  18. Taken on a windless evening at the end of a scorcher of a day http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/FGqKN8uo__No_tide_no_wind_what_a_night.JPG[/img]
  19. Next two are taken just moments apart and were taken from a pontoon at RYSSA at the end of a days fishing http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/xdimtS6H__Sunset_through_the_rigging_RAYSA.JPG[/img] http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/Jxt7aDI1__RYSSA_Sunset.JPG[/img]
  20. Next sunset over the Nthn Breakwater after an arvo out http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/Bqb1JFZI__P4200104.JPG[/img]
  21. Been so inspired by some of these shots, i thought I'd add some of mine.The first is dawn whilst waiting for the salmon trout to arrive at the Nthn Breakwater http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/nbex1vTR__22_April_07_Outer_Hbr_Dawn.jpg[/img]
  22. My tip is get someone VEWWWEEEEE close to u to take u fishing seems he knows a bit about this fishing capper. U could always sit there......quietly...... and read all the posts in the various sections as u'll soon learn plenty in there
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