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  1. Too true. No need for a big freezer in a quality restaurant, just lots of helpers to prep. The further down the star rating you get, the bigger the freezer and dry pantry, and crappier the meals. (prison food that you fork out cash for)
  2. Thanks, but already knew how to cook them. Just didn't know whether to cook before freezing or freeze green.Here's a better way to cook. Remove the underbody shell whilst still green, clean, then put in rapidly boiling 'SEAWATER' (not fresh salted water), throw in about 1TBS sugar for every litre of water. Once in the boiling water (don't overcrowd as you want them to come back to boil pretty quickly, so use a real good high gas flame), put the lid on and once the water comes back to the boil again, count 2 minutes then remove them and immediately plunge into iced seawater.Delicious. As a Chef
  3. Well what was going to turn out to be a nice quiet family christmas has turned out to be an invasion from the rellies !!!! We are having a good old aussie seafood christmas. I have stockpiled some fresh squid, snapper hopefully next few days, local prawns in the freezer, all that is left is the Blue swimmer crabs. Normally I catch just enough for ourselves and any left over meat I pickle in jars. I am buggered if I am going to pickle enough crabs for the maurading rellies, they can get smelly fingers and crack their own on chrissy day !!I need to catch a decent feed in the next week or so and
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