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Posts posted by benny

  1. cheers m8 yeah they all jump heaps! haha that beast took ages to get in on 40lb braid and the line snapped when I was trying to beach it :ohmy: fought more like a smoothie if anything and I was calling it for one until it did a backflip in the horizon B)smoothies are a pain in the bum have got a couple of huge ones at henley on my 6/0 and 9/0 the quickest it took for me to get one in was an hour on the 9/0 :woohoo:

  2. hey mate, metro beaches should be worth a go, there a bit harder to get now though...my current set up is 300m of 25lb mono and 1m of 100lb trace on a running sinker rig. both mono and wire works good...6/0 to 10/0 hooks depending on bait size... rays like fresh bait especially tommies, squid and gar... I dont bother berleying either... brings too much shit fish in, if the rays are around they will sniff out ya bait ;)heres a specimen I got off a metro beach just under 5' widePosted Image

  3. chopping off a rays tail would be akin to having a hand or a foot chopped off to us, would cause them a lot of pain, they don't necessarily die from it, but it leaves them open to infections which may kill them slowly, only a lucky few survive with no tail. a big no-no mutilating a fish/ray/shark if you are going to release it :angry:

  4. shallow divers are medium divers are definitely the go especially one that perfectly imitates a small mulllet, never tried poppers but I reckon you would get them in the the lake on bass sized poppers, which resembles mullet once again. Plastics definitely a go and dont be afraid to use your bream gear if chasing the smaller fish, I got my last mulloway on a bream hardbody so dont discount that. PM me if ya want some more advice, will give u in on some more tips.

  5. Have had great runs in the lake on tommy fillets, but I reckon using lures is the most successful, well it has been for me anyway... when you use lures for mulloway keep casting and be on the move, try all sorts of different spots, just dont sit in one single spot and keep casting, not that much success like that unless they are already there. Mulloway in the lake are hard to find the best best way is fish as much water as possible, and dont discount shallows before the drop off, got a legal in knee deep water like this the other week, and have been bricked big time a couple of times while fishing for bream with lures and those hookups were in the shallows too... look for a spot that has deep water nearby and keep on persisting, sooner or later you will get one on lure.

  6. with metals I like to mix up the retrieve a bit. some days the salmon prefer a chase and other days they are lazy, what I normally do is cast out the metal and let it sink for a few seconds and do a flatout retrieve until the metal is skipping across the surface and then pause for a few secs and skip it across the surface again, then pause and then retrieve the metal at a moderate pace. salmon are usually excited by seeing the metal hit the surface and the noises it makes brings the fish over to investigate (a bit like kingies) and if there not taking the lure on the faster retrieve then they will usually smack it on the drop or when the metal is being reeled in at a moderate pace. I prefer to use metals in the 20 gram range as its a good allrounder.

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