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Everything posted by YoBBo

  1. laughinÑg mÿ (_(_) Öff
  2. laughinÑg mÿ (_(_) Öff
  3. The YoBBeTTe joined at the last minute tonight.She missed the first game (she gets the away team), but shes in.She reckons she is gunna whip our butts.
  4. Dream on m8! “Ü”
  5. “Ü”
  6. I reckon its great. A bit of fun, plus the chance to win a trip with Big Ash.
  7. At least his Mrs will think twice about nagging him to 'get off his arse' LOL
  8. I just got back from a trip with 3 on board. Some of the hottest fishing I have ever seen in mny life.Mind you, one of the boxes of tucker was a banana box, and my sister made me take the top bit off (with bananas written on it) and leave it in my car.
  9. OK, Im in as YoBBoSH. Just look for that name at the top of the leaderboard
  10. A few more http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/mWLbEvj8__The_Anchorage_Large.jpg[/img] http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/33BWKJLM__View_from_shore_Large.jpg[/img] http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/sCZPD8cX__View_from_the_top_Large.jpg[/img]
  11. Just thought Id share a few pics of South Neptune. http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/GgTUShDz__Seal__Dolphin_Large.jpg[/img] http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/c0ilZVoI__Seals_Underwater_1_Large.jpg[/img] http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/4dzm3QuN__Seals_Underwater_Large.jpg[/img]
  12. We hooked 3, landed 1 that morning.
  13. That is discusting Ian. You know they are yellow.
  14. I will wait for Ranger to buy it, then see how he goes ;)ps love ur nic. lol
  15. The water was awesome. we were lookin at the sharks at the bottom, 14 metres down. My mate thought they were doggies lol.
  16. I used it in a diferent set up mate.I had it on a 7000, bottom bashing. If it rubbed on other line or a reef just a bit, it fraid up.Remember, this is just my opinion.
  17. I have used spiderwire.NEVER EVER AGAIN! It is rubish.Sunline or Tufline for me.
  18. South Neptune Is mate.Check out my wild blue yonder post in fishing charters.Ive got heaps more pics coming. Underwater shots as well.
  19. Shh mate, I didnt beat your Flattie.
  20. Caught by John off the west coast of K.I. from 80 metres deep. http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/26oPZyJc__Cloakys_Huge_Leathery.jpg[/img] http://www.fishyorkepeninsula.com/images/attachments/Eh0EPHaJ__Huge_Leathery.jpg[/img]
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