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Everything posted by wisdom

  1. Rotare, excuse me but I don't think you have a good graft of fishing tourism, Pat Conlon had the same view until he was convinced other wise !Jetties are a major part of tourism both in cities and in the regions ( Ardrossan but one example ).
  2. Just a little up-date chaps, SARFAC wrote to the CEO of Mobil in Australia 21/2 years ago and as far as I know a reply has never been received. Maybe an indication of their interest ?The letter asked if Mobil would be interested in the development of the jetty for recreational use, including angling.Personally, I don't feel that development would lead to a catastrophy as some of you are suggesting. It should be remembered that a large proportion of anglers in SA don't have a boat, or cannot afford one and a jetty properly set up with toilets ( on shore),etc would create a forum for families t
  3. Nothing new ! Been in the melting pot in SA for several years. Just takes the bureaucrats forever to implement anything of use in SA.
  4. Yes I get your drift Tackles, but I when I reference truth, I am referring to the difference between truth and spin. There is a big difference and it is also the domain of some scientists as well, just look at Tim Flannery !!
  5. Good to see your passion UR, never be afraid to speak out when you "know" you have a good handle on things and are confidently right. But be humble in defeat, that's the mark of a true god fearing member of our global community.See..... told you I was a Student of Bertrand Russell.The other side of the coin is that if your passion brings about change then it doesn't matter much if in the end it wasn't based entirely on truth, that's how pollies get away with things !
  6. Who is right and who is wrong is just a sideshow, but one thing one can be sure about is that there will be plenty of government spin on this latest revelation !And that's where one needs to sort the truth.
  7. With all our rants and raves, I think there are times to clear the head and perhaps.....just perhaps look at the more meaning full things in life. This won't be the last post but "Il Silenziu" is more commonly known as taps.On this day and in the military its called the "Last Post", Melissa was only 13 at the time and if this doesn't bring a tear to your eyes, then ......get a life.http://www.flixxy.com/trumpet-solo-melissa-venema.htm#.UXg76aJ0xSQI will go polish my medals now and march down the the parade. Hope the link works.
  8. The current sardine catch ( pilchard ), is in the order of 30 000 tonnes as stated, and is the largest fishery in Australia by tonnage ! Several years ago after a maths mis-calculation by SARDI on the egg count, the TAC was allowed to expand to 40 000 tonnes before the error was discovered. So SARDI does make mistakes on stock assessments and this was a big one !On localized depletion, and prey predator relationships, this subject has been argued over the past 15 years with no concern shown by PIRSA on both issues. Given the amount of time that has past and on reflection, the stock doesn't
  9. Yes one can only imagine, the impossible dream !SA is a basket case when it comes to angling, just how many Ministers ( most have been "B" grade), has there been in the last 15 years and how many Fishery Directors in the last ten ? Unless anglers get on their bikes, it will be more of the same for another 15 years.It puzzles me that anglers do not grasp the fact that the fishery department in SA exists purely to manage the commercial sector, has always been that way and unless there is a monumental broom put through government, it will always be the same.You will have to trust me on this ( jus
  10. Good question, but commenting in the media without all the facts is suicide. Haven't seen the full picture yet but certainly know the distant history.
  11. Must be a story in tomorrows Advertiser, as they rang me this afternoon for comment on the current blue crab issue, I declined ( now that's unusual ), and passed on the Chair of SARFAC's number ! Be interesting to read the comments.
  12. Before jumping to any conclusions, I would like to hear from Dennis Holder, the licensed blue crab pot holder in Gulf of St. Vincent as to the level of his catches in the past six months. If one could get a truthful answer, as he would be able to give an indication of biomass movement.Or maybe PIRSA could help out here, interestingly PIRSA's recreational manager is also the commercial blue crab fishery manager. How's that for the fox in charge of the chicken house routine ?
  13. Don't need to do too much work Keith, all the science has already been done in the other four major states ( you have know that for many years ),just need to give anglers a break and change the policy which contradicts every other state.
  14. Like to see the hard data supporting the 90% decline ?? or is it just conservation spin !
  15. Thanks TacklesI didn't respond to those two documents because I was part of the Coastal Waters Committee that produced the Coastal Waters Study)( there were several of them over time), and on the other I know and worked with the three principle scientists for many years. So I understood what you were trying to point out.Perhaps I should have said so, trouble is the more I say is often misconscrued' as arrogance.The tide is right this arvo and I want to go and catch a nice barra in the Fitzroy for tomorrows lunch. Can I have a leave pass ?But before I go can I leave you with this Quote by Nicco
  16. Thanks BrettApology accepted, never took offence anyway ( kiss on the cheek ). We should all feel free to advance our views so long as they are balanced.Dealing with "B" grade and morally corrupt pollies and bureaucrats, a kiss on the cheek is far more honest than a blade between the shoulders.Honesty appreciated.
  17. I am afraid you like many others are blinkered, its not about snapper. That seems to be the narrow view on many. Jumped to conclusions which is not what the debate is about.Warned you it was only a "maybe".
  18. Well in the space of less than 24 hours there has been 5 pages of posts some for, some against and others come across that they could be swayed with the right data.Also some humour and sarcasm which is good, nothing wrong with balanced debate based upon solid data and supporting information.In analysis its quite remarkable to generate so much debate within 24 hours on a lazy Wednesday ( five pages ).My observations are:1. Anglers in SA are not united.2. Have no real strategy to better their recreation.3. Gives insight as to why South Australian angling management have fallen so far behind all
  19. Yes..... but they are only one small group of designs, there are many others.See also article in August / September 2010 issue of WildCoast, pp,s 74 &75.
  20. The type and pattern of artificial reefs I have in mind are large scale and form linked pathways not able to be kept secret.And shouldn't be because they would be reserved for anglers only.
  21. Not sure that most commercially caught snapper are from artificial reefs, legal or otherwise but we likely will never know.Many long-liners know snapper travel pathways and set their longlines accordingly and these are not always near the habitat we are discussing.Prawn trawlers with their sophisticated sounding equipment often pick up large travelling schools of snapper but keep it quiet. ( an interesting piece of trivia for you )Also, longline technology hasn't changed fundamentally over the past 50 years. Still a piece of string with large numbers of hooks attached.
  22. Well bugger me....You mean those under threat seal immigrants from NZ eat our Fairy penguins.Don't tell the conservation zealots !
  23. But I don't use Red Herrings Brenton!
  24. TacklebagsDon't bother...... they were dragged to Melbourne three years ago to take part in a presentation by the person that brought out the Korean scientist in the company of the Victorian Fisheries.And were even invited before that to receive a delegation from other states on the issue. The answer was ...."get lost".That was three years ago, whats happened since ?Does that answer your question ?Remember that Fishery managers are beholden to their Directors/ CEO's and their Ministers so only ever expect a politically safe answer (so they keep their jobs). Even if they believe otherwise !
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