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500th trout of the 2022/23 season..

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Finally I reached the target of 500 trout that I set myself at the start of the 2022/23 trout season. Several times throughout the season I had doubts that I would get close to reaching it due to a lot of lower back problems and many days spent in bed. Thankfully the back more or less settled down and the 30 -40 injections in the lower back once a week helped to keep me out and about as did the 10-12 heat patches on my back each time I headed to a river or stream. After 2-1/2 years I've finally got a appointment to see a spine specialist on 2nd May, so hopefully I'll know where I stand after seeing him, all I know from the CT scans is that the L1,2,3,4 & 5 discs are not all that good.




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