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Jay R

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Posts posted by Jay R

  1. Anybody know if this failed contraption is still sitting in close at Carrickalinga?

    Around 6months ago I saw a survey getting passed around on social media asking for opinions on what people thought should happen with it.

    Obviously I'm sure we would all like it sunk around 10km further out, be a nice little bit of structure !

  2. So I cut the crabs in half, gave the insides a good clean and put them aside.

    In a pan I chopped up some red chillies, some crushed garlic and some grated fresh ginger, quick fry up in a wok using some olive oil then added a cup of water, 4 table spoons of tomato sauce, 1 table spoon of BBQ sauce and a squirt of sweet chilli sauce.

    Once up to boil, added the crabs , stirred it all thru and put a lid on the wok.

    Checked every couple minutes and kept tossing to ensure all the crab started turning red.

    Added a bit of corn flower and kept simmering. After 10 mins, I moved the crabs to a side in the wok, added a beaten egg and a some chopped spring onion, re-stirred and left to simmer for another 5mins.

    Served on a plate with parsley garnish.

    Been a while since I’ve enjoyed a new meal so much!!




  3. Maybe I'm blind, but I cant see  a chilli crab recipe in this section. Anybody care to link me a nice one or spell one out? Google gives me way too many hits to pick one out from. Id rather try an authentic version if such a thing exists!


  4. That is a cool story PP!! having a couple squids I can relate big time LOL


    Ive heard similar stories of pelicans swooping down and taking pet dogs of the minitaure variety, never witnessed personally tho.


    Wierdest thing Ive ever seen whilst out fishing was what we can only assume was a UFO??.


    Im no tin foil guy or the like, but for at least 15mins a group of us watched a fast moving object high above us one night whilst fishing second valley jetty in the wee hrs.

    Be 15 years ago now, and this object just zipped around eratically high in the sky directly above.

    Typical UFO sitting I guess, quick movementsin no particulaur direction, was around for a while and for no reason we could see, finaly went away after 10 mins or so.

    No one was doing drugs that night or :d/  and we all seen it, to this day it comes up in conversation and everybody recalls the same thing.


    side note: Il admit, I find UFO sittings intresting, but either the Aliens have got smarter or people just dont care anymore and dont create fraudulant evidence.

    You would would think in the modern age where everybody has a camera in their pockets 90% of the time, reported sitings would be common, yet its the  opposite. :huh:

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