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lofty64 last won the day on December 20 2019

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About lofty64

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  1. My mate is over there ATM and would love to have a fish , good bloke
  2. lofty64

    1-3 kilo rod

    Hi Micky , I have a Savage 6'6 1-3 , which I use for KGW , great rod , light and have pulled 52cm KGW , my PB , but handled it no worries .
  3. I do the same Greg , but I steam my crabs , then on ice , way better flavour , and no flavour lost in the water .
  4. Hi there mickyj , I use a Boilermakers tool bag ,I have had my tackle bag now for over 10 years , and is still in great condition , lots of pockets , and is water proof ,Look up PIRIE BLIND and CANVAS , my bag is size 112 st . great bags and will last forever cheers
  5. A lot of KGW , I have caught over Moonta way , have had prawns in there guts , I always see what is inside a fishes belly , to help give you an idea of there eating habits , some days Pilchard will send them off as well . I found that a finely cut up pilchard will keep the school around . The last hot bite we had , all big fish , had pilchard in there guts , and biggest 50cm , my PB
  6. I made a mistake in the fish count one day and was one over the limit bye one KGW , they were in a hot bite and all big fish , they were all followed to the boat by large Snook , so I took a strip off of the smallest KGW to see if I could score a Snook , no I scored a 46cm KGW , so yeah Mike I believe ya .
  7. Fishing Wholesale , mid coast fishing tackle , they are a glass rod , very light , with lots of balls cheers
  8. Maybe have a look at the OKUMA flexi tipz , I like them but you may not , around $50 .
  9. Hamo what Samaki have you got ? I have the 10-17lb and feels very nice , yet to hook anything over 6kg .
  10. Try TACKLE DIRECT , it states it has 10 left , maybe RAY and ANNE ??? good luck
  11. All the best Adrian .............CHEERS
  12. Love the picture , but feel for your pain as I have the same problem with L3,L4,and L5 with Sciatica ,and is very painful,after a failed Lamonectomy ( cant spell check ) and many other procedures ,I was implanted with a Dorsal Column Simulator into the spine ,not fun , so I hope you go well , as bad backs rule your life CHEERS and good luck Matey .
  13. Sorry to hear matey , loss of your job is bad enough , but to lose your best mate is hard , been there and yes its hard . Hope you are doing ok , in such a bad time in every way . Stay strong man .
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