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Everything posted by Seeseacol

  1. In the driest state in Australia I'm sure there would be a lot of opposition to topping up reservoirs purely for the benefit of fishermen while home owners are facing huge and ever increasing water bills. Couple this with the problem of some fishermen who will inevitably pollute the catchment areas with refuse left behind after a session the chances of all our vital reservoirs being open for rec fishers is very low.
  2. Squid Inc has pretty much said it, and some reels do cast easier than others. If you are leaving off thumbing the spool when it hits the water it may be too late as the line has already started to slow and overrun itself, try lightly thumbing the spool lightly once the bait starts slowing on it's downward progression, dont leave it until it hits the water. Most of all be smooth in your cast, not jerky and practice practice practice
  3. Beware the southerlies, many kyakers have died in that stretch of water, be smart and wear a life jacket and avoid it in the colder seasons or risk an unwanted visit from hungry Fur Seals
  4. I have been doing volunteer work in the Onkaparinga NP for over 5 years and this is the first time I've ever heard of anything like that caught in the Onka itself. I guess it's a possibility in the Mt Bold reservoir. Do know of and seen some monster bright orange Goldfish in parts of the Onka Gorge though...and of course Carp
  5. I know you like to fish very light, and the lighter the better, but I still like to have my trace the same weight or slightly heavier than the main line which will also assist in less tangles/cross overs. The hooks attached to dropper loops on the main trace can be lighter though. The heavier and stiffer main trace line makes for more rigid dropper loops which helps keep the hooks away from the main trace line. { diagram examples are a simple thing with most photoshop programs, I use Adobe Elements an/or Adobe CS5 }
  6. Further self explanatory diagram Without tube ends there is higher possibility of the line snagging between float end and and float line hole, hence the trace may double over itself and instant tangle. Extra split shot nearer the bottom hook may also help as tried, but going light as possible is best using a very small split shot of 2mm or less
  7. Great going, gear way traverse the Mangroves. to I've always been dubious about those imitation crab lures, but seems to work well
  8. hahaha.....a loser in more ways than one then Good thinking Bob, and I'm with you about mud trudging from shore raking days are over
  9. Yeah, they look weird out on the mud flats, there is a actually a few of them in the area all used to retrieve and launch boats
  10. No didn't fish this time, just a Sunday drive
  11. There's beauty in the tidal reaches if you care to look
  12. Dam....and here I am trying to lose weight....actually I lie....I only think about losing weight. Food of the Gods = Sausage Roll and Farmers union Iced Coffee
  13. Yep, some nice pocket money and the fellow I spoke to gets $50.00 for spotters fees when he reports back of a bogged vehicle
  14. Went for a Sunday drive to Thompsons Beach today, not crabbing or the like, just for a cruise. Seen someone drive way out onto the mudflats presumably to get closer to the crabbing action.....not something I would do. No idea who it was or if there was any dramas in doing so, but really makes you wonder about buying secondhand 4WD's sometimes Was chatting with one of the locals patrolling the area who was telling me they get a lot of cars hopelessly bogged, 8 so far this summer, one suffering extensive damage from front wheels being torn off as it was being winched out of the mud. See
  15. awwww mate, if only...it'd be popular...and become more of a Pie Flotilla ...tell 'im he's dreamin "
  16. You are a nasty bugga lol lol....are you open to blackmail by chance ?
  17. I believe you 100%...let science prove otherwise
  18. hahaha.......Never knew fishermen were so friggin' devious......I like it !
  19. hahaha....you're dead right......my problem is bigger than I figured
  20. I know I have a problem when I go to lengths to conceal my latest purchase from the wife......difficult when she decides to come out in the boat for an outing, or notices the rod rack beginning to sag.
  21. Sounds familiar, and I'm starting to leave drool smears on the display cabinet glass
  22. Whoah !!!.....cripes, the sea level must of dropped several inches when you hauled those monsters on board, stuff of dreams.
  23. Now there's a good idea to have in fisherman heaven...if only we all lived and fished on a big placid lagoon there could be a floating tackleshop, come bar come mini-mart. Pull your boat up alongside, grab a pie n' sauce and a couple of coldies, chat to your mates for fishing tips and restock on bait and tackle..............I wish I wish I wish
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