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yellow door 1

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Everything posted by yellow door 1

  1. alot of guys are using drones to find fish these days - from flat head to GT's. Maybe thats whats being referred to
  2. p.s. extremely unsafe testing methods were used
  3. Snapped my testing rig and punched myself in the face - but it got to about 18kg before the wire testing rig snapped - The fishing hook glued into the jighead did not budge
  4. If you want to add a tow point to a jighead. Just cut a hook - drill a hole and super glue it in gives a surprisingly strong hold. I couldn’t pull it out with 2 sets of pliers
  5. I've started chucking 1/28th's in 9m of water, when conditions allow me to get them down to where the sounder says the fish are. The same plastic will remain untouched (Almost) on 1/4er's or 1/8th's - but a plastic that doesnt plummet, will get smashed on the drop by the unstoppables that make this technique a bit ridiculous on my current tiny jigheads. Sure you can grub heavy heads along the bottom and get hits and land the smaller dumber fish. But on the 1/28th's you barely need any skill at all. Just spot the fish on the sounder and count to 40 as the 1/28th sinks - then hang on
  6. Thanks you just reminded me to fix a guide I busted last week a mate busted one of his in the same incident - I said its an easy 8 min fix - he said he was just going to buy a new rod. This aint pretty - but based on previous experience - it doesnt have to be pretty to last How does your system work?
  7. Beautiful scenery and Fish Adrian Ive only recently become a true convert to the spinning blade. I always thought fish had to be fired up to hit them. I actually ran a test last night on a small lake - I walked the length of it casting a 2 inch paddle tail for a few hits - then walked my way back with the jig spinner and they were whacking the hell out of it. They were tiny reddies -too small to fit the big hook in their mouth but the increase in hits was very noticeable. Ive had sessions where the reverse is true - but I used to assume if they were not hitting subtle
  8. couldnt find my old hand paddle so it was time for a new one - Finished with cooking oil varnish
  9. Googled earthed a possible redfin hole today - it wasnt smooth sailing trying to find an access point - and that theme continued for the short session. Forgot the Mirage drive - Got my balls wet getting in and discovered I have no idea how to use my new sounder. (Not completely my fault - the stupid thing has a feature where it turns the transducer off for some reason - and I could fix it on the water no matter how many random buttons I pressed)
  10. Nah Mate Ive only got enough for personal use I bought a heap ages ago and I dont really use blades that often anymore - but Ill hang on to the ones I have left
  11. I was told more than once we were there to dump stuff - not to pick stuff up
  12. Mate invited me down to check out the new joint he just moved into. Sounded great. We were going to have a BBQ, Go watch local footy and have a few beers. That translates to - a few trips to the tip - few loads of furniture from the old place and spending the rest of the day building over head storage in his new car-port
  13. Nice one MAH - Handy skill to have the old DIY Tackle making. It can get you out of alot of last minute jams, where if you dont make it yourself, there is no immediate alternative. And in your case, you have to option to choose High Quality components and make something better than store bought - thats mm perfect to your specfications. Hats off
  14. Plus all the money you save can be spent cheap power tools to make stuff for “free” I say cheap - but the prices for individually purchased “dremel bits” make some of the rip off merchants in the tackle game seem like saints
  15. Nice one Wert - thanks for the tips. I love the drilling hole and bending tines so they clip in, suggestion. If I need to build a tougher net that method will 100% get a run I used to fish for Bream on Lures - So Im well versed in how to throw cash at a problem - A loomis/certate combo was as crazy as I got - but that didnt fix anything - I still sucked - If you offered me 10 x $20 ecogear blades or 10 my favorite little $1.40 blades I found while gambling on Ali Express (and I couldnt resell them) - I'll let you guess which ones Id pick. Gambling on cheap lures is very low s
  16. Just noticed how I could have made the neck stronger by lengthening the steel inserts - I was also going to bind rope around the insertion point for extra support - but its only for little fish and it just withstood me popping veins in my neck to straighten the steel - so it should be right
  17. The $10 replacement net was a lie - cheeky advertising by a shonky Ali Express shop So I ended up with a $17 one from ebay Ground some grooves in the steel, so the glue had something to grip on to I also originally built it, so was weighted such a way, that it would have a slight lean toward the fish for left handed netting That was a mistake It had a heavy lean So I ditched those plans and got angry - I was stepping on - getting it in head locks - but finally the vice gave me the opportunity to unleash enough fury to get it into perfect balance The steel r
  18. Far out Nothing better when something unexpected and big take the hooks - top effort
  19. not sure how either of these will go but..... These thin worms are a pain to rig - so I cut up some shrink tube to protect them from the thread - then lashed them on - with a dab of super glue on the securing knots Just waiting to see if there is a reaction and the different plastic causes the "Zman Style" plastic to melt. Also - I was looking up Kayak nets and they are pretty exxy. I can get a $10 replacement rubber net off ali expres - and I had the steel rod and pvc in the garage - just heated it up - and put a pencil in the middle of the wires and stepped on it - a bit of
  20. What an awesome fish - Love the colours - Great pics - congrats on the PB and getting it from such beautiful surrounds is the icing on the cake
  21. Thanks for the details on your sinking minnows. Nah the fish spazzed out while I was removing hooks with pliers - They are pretty light gauge though - not quite Owner St-ll light-wire - but closer to the 11's than the 36ers
  22. Took 2 casts to pass the micro perch test. Then 2 more to pass it again.…….. on the down side the trebs don’t like rough treatment and I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the brisk arse first sink on the pause. I haven’t used sinking bibbed minnows before. Is the arse first sink pretty standard?
  23. After the toothies put a dint in my light weight metal collection - I figured Id grab a few 30 grammers - and I also found myself wanting some sinking bibbed minnows to chuck off the top of bridges - ali express order came through today - not sure how any any of them will swim - but I like the look of them
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