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Everything posted by Tacklebags

  1. Luv the read. The circle hook preference comes as no surprise but it is still great to see many anglers suspicions backed up.Need the extra long spike if taking out a snapper with a big head bump from the frontal direction.TB
  2. No right to challenge for you or me kon. Were these abalone extracted utilising indigenous methods as from memory this influences final sentencing?
  3. I only got undersized salmon trout and flatties at robe. Beachfront jetty faired better with more options due to depth difference.TB
  4. Fished down there about 1 month ago and got 2 salmon.Salmon season is starting to slow down but the salmon trout can still entertain on light gear if the big ones are not around.TB
  5. The lighter fur to the back of the neck with dark face points to an australian sealion.http://www.arkive.org/australian-sea-lion/neophoca-cinerea/image-G47280.htmlTB
  6. For those who have shacks and fish etc....http://origin.library.constantcontact.com/download/get/file/1110266716692-164/State+Liberals+commit+to+saving+Shacks.pdfhttp://www.michellelensink.com/t/Shacks
  7. http://www.fishingworld.com.au/news/afma-nabs-fishing-cheatsTB
  8. Well if the story told to me about a bloke who was wearing a black wetsuit off Marion bay jetty has any merit then don't wear black wetsuits.A bull seal wrapped its flippers around this bloke and attempted to faunacate with him. His mate's had to jump in and separate them before the bloke drowned.I wonder if the cops put the seal up on charges?
  9. If those jetty loving seals are attracting sharks to metro waters then we better ban fishing and swimming altogether.Can't have swimmers who knowingly enter shark environments getting eaten or disturbing seal breeding/feeding patterns.Don't worry about the marine creatures further down the food chain either as seals are cute and don't eat anything but sea lice or need anything other than protection at all costs. :silly:
  10. Caught some of these (refer link) the other night while fishing off Beachport jetty on squid baits.http://www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/WebPages/RPIO-4Y9AKYI threw them back as I remembered they had poisonous fins but just read in the link they can be eaten?Anyone eaten them?Probably a good option to eat them as I found safe release difficult due to the hard plate bone around their big mouths.TB
  11. Pauly s, the far majority of species targeted by reccies will just pass through the area with tides, moon phases, water temperature etc like they do every other jetty. Add in the runoff, desalination plant, fish kills etc that has already affected this area and it is dubious to claim it's some environmental principality.In fact it will spread fishing pressure by lowering effort to other metro jetties in my opinion.
  12. Just regarding the sanctuary status some seek on this jetty area. We will have 80 plus more sanctuaries around the state in 2014 (depending on election result) so I don't see why this opportunity for access will undermine the sustainability or claimed overflow of benefits to the region when you factor in these other closed areas.TB
  13. Sometimes snapper sit on slight gradients instead of reefs or ledges. May only need half a meter change in depth over 10 meters and that's enough. Must hold food sources they like this type of bottom?
  14. Landed three legal snapper yesterday, plus a few undersize so they are around.TB
  15. http://www.thecoorong.com/exploring.htmlAll you need to know is here.24th Oct to 24th Dec for now.But some want full year bans everywhere despite no real evidence.http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/sand-storm-in-birds-versus-4wd-beach-battle/story-fni6uo1m-1226715951570?utm_source=The%20Advertiser&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=editorial&net_sub_uid=5105635
  16. http://www.fishingworld.com.au/news/seal-attacks-blue-groperTB
  17. What's with those greens popup banners on here?I don't think my tablet can take many more punches n headbutts.....
  18. like me who contributes to recreational fishing positions I contibute often to fishing in the "stand-up lean against the gunwale" and sometimes the "sit in comfy camp chair watch surf rod in pole" positions.Ha, at salt creek a freak wave once had me in the 'floating on a blanket of white water' position. Not as desirable a position on a freezing cold morning with water filled waders on.... :woohoo:
  19. Well there is at times a lot to admire from the society of rec fishers on here. Certainly a great place to keep informed, see issues through the eyes of others perspectives etc....For someone like me who contributes to recreational fishing positions behind the scenes, S&H is important when seeking to represent the various needs of our states anglers.
  20. Not at all TT and I wouldn't blame you if you were.When I 're read it I didn't like it either.Both yours and U4Ls responses were measured and informative.Cheers TB
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