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Just Me

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Everything posted by Just Me

  1. Buy one, get 12 free lol.The thing was cooked ffs Least we know the old gals not a spitter :whistle:
  2. "....Ohhhh wow, one of our viewers sent in an awesome GW vid""Well we can show it as is orrrrrrrr we can extrapolate the hell out of it, pull some stats out of our arses, our core viewers are stupid enough to watch Today Tonight so they swallow this hook, line and sinker...""Yeah option two...Definitely"Jannnnnne, Johnnnnnnnnn...
  3. How the flying frog does a squid swallow a 3lb bomb? No mention of size of squid? Says it usually eats small fish and prawn...Ummmmm, must be a huge squid to get that bomb past it's beak....Huffington Post, nuff said. I'm raising the BS flag on this story.
  4. Story/Video herehttp://au.news.yahoo.com/sa/latest/a/-/article/16469976/spike-in-shark-sightings-in-sa/
  5. What's going on here????http://au.news.yahoo.com/video/sa/watch/92874e80-8223-32f9-a458-bfbb951acafa/big-machines-tackle-seagrass-at-glenelg/http://www.epa.sa.gov.au/xstd_files/Water/Report/seagrass.pdf
  6. 02catch1"My money is on PIRSA, these guys believe it or not, do actually have an interest in preserving fish stocks and whether or not some want to admit it, do have a reasonable amount of science behind their statements and decisions. Certainly a shit load more science than I and most fishermen will ever have. Just a lot don't want to believe it."Hmmmmmmmm, then how did they get to this stage re Snapper stocks, increased catch rate fiasco?
  7. Exactly, these bozos have bankrupted this State, they are cutting back on everything including essential services.If only we had the Adelaide Oval Lobby Group on the team
  8. The only reason people try and break the rules is when they know they can get away with it, so it's definitely a compliance problem bought about by a lack of enforcement.It all comes down to how much the respective states Gumberments value recreational fishing. The fact that QLD does without the need for an RFL speaks volumes and i mention that in an old thread on the issue.WA is also in the process of A) deploying a number of concrete structures and still to be released-the most comprehensive study/survey of it's kind in WA looking into recreational angling.WAs licensing system is way more c
  9. That's a great vid but i don't think that's at West Beach.
  10. I reckon someone's pranking the numbers, may wanna remove.
  11. Just Me


    Got onto quite a few around the Grange tyre reef.
  12. A few knob jockeys over a cafe latte..."We'll announce the biggest marine park bs the world has ever seen, nay...the UNIVERSE, then when all the back slapping and hand jobbing dies down we'll quietly loosen the noose again sighting 'mis-understood science' and we gave it a 'better look, just to be sure....'"
  13. Would it trouble you to link the relevant thread or post?
  14. The Penn Aussie website makes no mention of it so i'd bet no.http://pennfishing.com.au/about-us/
  15. Right, but they're not making liveliners in the USA anymore and the Chinese parts don't fit so....Where have you heard talk about the Spinfisher Vs possibly being manufactured in the USA? Not that it makes a difference if the same materials are used. It's all about Penn staying on top of quality control.
  16. http://www.pennreels.com/service/repair-department/no-longer-servicedhttp://www.thebassbarn.com/forum/showthread.php?188120-Penn-reel-repair-service-Philly-not-happy-this-time!My Local Got One has two of the last brand new USA made Live Liners available but if there's a lack of parts
  17. Linkage??? Dunno if i'd wanna swap out a made in USA reel for Chinese one though...Hardly an upgrade.
  18. I thought that was the object of the act??Object of the act-( "access to the aquatic resources of the State is to be allocated between users ofthe resources in a manner that achieves optimum utilisation and equitabledistribution of those resources to the benefit of the community;"Big wank though...
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