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Everything posted by TheBerg

  1. Glass shrimp sounds like a good one to try.
  2. Anybody willing to share their magic/go-to fly or technique for trout when searching deep pools? I tend to have good success on a heavy Black Wooly Bugger or StoneFly Nymph. Gets it down nice and deep although you do get a few snags. I've semi-alleviated this by using a floating line instead of intermediate line with a medium length leader. Truthfully I haven't had much success using other flies that have been suggested to me. I've been trying for ages to get a hookup on a black/red mattuka or red tag.
  3. Avoid full neoprenes like the plague. Technology has advanced way beyond the need for it. You can easily pick up something that is lightweight, breathable, comfortable, and durable that outperforms neoprene.
  4. The large net was the first thing I noticed. The whole brook trout, dolly varden, group of fish are very very nice looking.
  5. Simms Freestone. Light weight. Breathable. Neoprene boot so you need to pick up a wading boot. Much prefer this option as the external boot provides a lot more support then a build in rubber one. Works well for when it gets a bit colder. Keeps you dry even if your not wading out ie. pushing through wet foliage etc. No need for them in the summer at all. Not to mention they are pretty tough.
  6. Was flicking through FlyLife and came across the article on the Tree River. The coloration on some of the Arctic Char stimulated my curiosity. So I did a bit of looking around on the net. Came up with these two videos. Enjoy Guys. Looks like a real treat to fish. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqtygLj2fvU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnBeea3kfz0
  7. If you read my comments carefully I haven't actually bagged the fly fishing club. More to the point my comments were more directed at the land owner. As I said before, I have met a few members, I respect and GREATLY appreciate what they do for SA. What I wasn't happy about was doing the RIGHT thing by not encroaching on his land and ASKING first only to get turned away rudely. If it is any consolation apparently a few SAFFA members have butted heads with land owners regarding access to water they have been given permission to stock. Therefore it seems the situation has just not been confined t
  8. That would be good fun. There is a local story from back home of a young boy feeding Salmon guts to the seals off the boating dock. Apparently, he was teasing one of them, it got pissed off and jumped up, bit his arm and dragged him into the water. Swam him to the bottom and let him go. The young boy was wearing a life jacket so he popped up to the surface with a nasty bite to boot. Doesn't sound all that believable but then you see a video like this and it becomes possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YucYoklZAyE
  9. All my fishing is done on the fly. It gets pretty addictive once you start to get the ball rolling. I agree with you on your comments in regards to lure fishing but that being said I have nothing against those that like to fish that way. Given that trout fishing in SA is very limited and a very limited resource I do think it is important to fish in a way that is less harmful to trout or at least in a way that has the potential to do less harm to the fish. That being said, having the liberty to fish how you like is half the fun of fishing. In terms of harming the fish, fish handling techniqu
  10. Looks great! Might be able to get some good shots tonight too.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAXecnF1hxM Found this pretty interesting in terms of selecting the best crabs lol
  12. Mark up is pretty crazy. I'm sure if we knew the mark up on all our products we would all be sick. haha
  13. I've had a few suits made from various parts of Asia. Quality was pretty good depending on how much I decided to shell out for it. Next time I'm back in Asia I might consider having one made. After all the ones in the shops come from the same places.
  14. Might have to give this product a go. I'm starting to think this is one of the reasons the vest may have been on sale. Thought it was a bargain at the time haha.
  15. Mully on fly would be a nice fight. At least I think it would be. I haven't personally caught one on anything. Although I don't suppose fly fishing for them would go down to well at West Lakes. Would have to be doing some pretty tight roll casts I'd imagine.
  16. I would love to tie my own but it becomes a bit hard to get around to and such. Materials and all that are not all that cheap either. Whenever I'm back home I load up on flies from Cabela's or Bass Pro shop, but really that is not all that cheap either. hahaha Consequently, I have been know to duck my head under the water and dislodge a fly or two from a log or rock jam haha.
  17. Recently I purchased a KATO fishing vest as my other one was getting pretty worn out. For starters it is a great vest in terms of storage and pockets and weight. Construction wise it is well put together and a happy addition to my fishing gear. However..this vest after a few days fishing absolutely STINKS! It seems the material it is made of just isn't up to the job of being breathable or whatever. My last vest didn't smell this bad ever even after a week camping out. Usually my gear gets a good rinse with the hose after every outing but this vest needs a serious soak after every trip. Sli
  18. Its a good thing that he had some obvious experience up his sleeve. The whole situation could have been a lot worse otherwise. Sounds like he didn't panic and did what a good captain should do. Hats off to that! Certainly feel for his loss though.
  19. I have heard similar thoughts on the matter. Lots of secret stocking going on and tight lipped individuals. I'm sure there is some element of truth to it all. Hell, if I had a nice little rocky creek with some riffles and pools running through my land I would stock it up and keep it secret, keep it safe. A bit of research on SAFFA and word of mouth talk has given me a pretty good idea of the club. So far I have got on to some nice trout but there have been more days than not of creek/stream scoping and door knocking. Only so many hours in a day before you have to pack it. Has been fun though.
  20. Perhaps it was a psychological evaluation/test of the fishing community. Posing a question and gauging the reaction. I wonder if we passed ?lol
  21. Getting there slowly bud. Have come across a few nice spots. The quest is never over though. I had ideal fishing conditions the other day and not a bite. The time before that it was stinking hot and terrible fishing conditions and the fish were blowing up. Also snapped my rod tip the last time I was out so things will be a bit slow while I wait for a replacement to come in lol
  22. I've met a few nice guys from SAFFA can't say anything bad about them at this stage. I think this particular property owner whether he was a member or not was just a tool. I have looked at the membership requirements and it does look pretty political. There are some spots that I fish at the moment that if I joined up technically as per their constitution I would not be able to fish unaccompanied. Whether or not that is strictly enforced..I don't know. But I would rather not give up a year fishing my usual spots to be chaperoned around. I fish solo most days..and occasionally with a mate at lea
  23. I've been using this as the trout bible for a little bit. Very helpful to get the wheels turning. I think another one should be due out shortly will be an interesting read.
  24. Makes total sense. If I owned a nice spot of land I would appreciate people staying off of it without permission. I guess my main concern was I didn't like how I was spoken to and how it was suggested that the fish were owned by SAFFA. When I find some time I might do some research on riparian rights in SA. Clearly I'm not up to speed on the actual practice. It is to my understanding though that unless by special agreement all naturally occurring rivers and streams are crown land therefore you can fish it if you can gain access. Sort of felt like I was being told that even so, that section
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