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TheBerg last won the day on August 16 2016

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About TheBerg

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  1. 6 weight is good for carp..4 even better Sounds like you have it dialed in now though. Only suggestion for you is to watch those carp on light tippet. Can be done and lots of people tackle them on light gear BUT they love to twist around and use their pectoral fins to try and pop the fly out of their mouth or snap the line. Can be very frustrating if you haven't landed a few before. Consequently, you need to apply the right amount of pressure and rod angle to avoid losing the fish. Especially if using barbless hooks. 15 pound on 8 weight for Salmon is good. Even ten works if yo
  2. I have started doing more of this type of thing also. Last thing I made was a rod tube that attaches to my bike. Bit of PVC pipe, the right fittings, glue, brackets and a hack saw it was all done for 20 bucks. Doesn't look pretty but saved a bit of money. What you did here is a great idea!
  3. Ebay. probably best bet. Might be able to find it locally. havent' seen one kicking around though
  4. Sorry you missed out dutchy! It was good screening. Pike in Canada Rainbows in Argentina Dorado somewhere in South America. Lots of good stuff.
  5. https://app.etickets.to/buy/?e=13966 Lucky my buddy reminded me that this was tonight! I had let it slip my mind completely. Would have been pretty chapped considering I missed out on last years!!
  6. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/castfurther/changing-the-game-in-fishing?ref=category Not really something I would be into but sort of cool all the same.
  7. Might be able to dig it up on ebay. A couple good book shops around town though that might have it.
  8. Post up any reading you would recommend. Got through these two in the last month. All short stories so when your itching for a fish but you can't get out these books at least take the edge off for a bit.
  9. Your heart and soul and every waking moment of conscious thought. Once you start you can't stop. The money factor becomes immaterial once you start counting fish to fall asleep at night. That 250 dollars for groceries will turn into a new rod that is justified spending as it will feed you with a catch of salmon or whiting or snapper. haha I could go on but..
  10. Work on your technique. You will get there. For example: I had a very short 4 weight with a rio intouch line. Was having trouble getting it to shoot out and lay a nice cast on some big water I was fishing. Got frustrated as you do, looked to the equipment as an excuse. My Dad picked up the rod and cast after cast had tight loops and accurate presentation. A few quick words and tips and following his example my casting dramatically improved. Get your timing right and any decent rod will load up and shoot that line out. You will be able to notice the difference.
  11. I wouldn't worry to much about distance here in SA. Majority of your fishing will be twig. Presentation over distance any day
  12. I would say you probably wouldn't notice the difference. The in-touch is just apparently stretch free so you can increase hookups. (how it is marketed anyway)
  13. Black and Red Wooly Bugger or Black and Green Wooly Bugger.
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