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southie THE BANGA

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southie THE BANGA last won the day on February 10

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About southie THE BANGA

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 30/12/1988

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  1. Happy Valley Should go alright mate Be some good fish in there too
  2. Will be a trophy fish fishery if my sources are correct can't wait for this to open up. Living only 5mins away makes it an awesome place to kill some time after work!
  3. You might find the mid reaches of the onk a bit better this time of year as the breeders and bigger fish do move downstream after they have done there business
  4. I find just before and after the closures of the upper onk.
  5. Plenty of good size ones in there. Good fun sight casting at them in the shallows at the back of the footy oval. Go to plastic is the Ecogear Aquaprawn unweighted and on a weedless hook. Look for the feeding fish by using polarised sunnies and look for the golden flashes. Hope this helps
  6. Can't believe i hadn't seen this!!! Stoked you have gotten some fish on them mate! especially fish from another state... Might need to buy some more of those blanks and paint some more up! Next lot i'll be sure to add red dots to them was always my intention i just hadn't found a way to add them so they dont look like they are just put there sort of thing!
  7. Noticed with work if ya after light globes you better stock up. We haven't been able to restock our shelves and warehouse since March/April. We have thousands of various globes on back order and its getting tough for us to fulfil orders to our big contracts with hospitals and government buildings etc. I assume it would be the same with most high selling commodities in general.
  8. Cheers all..... my main passion in photography is lightning photography. Bit disappointed of the lack of lightning this season.... Also disappointed with the fact that covid is ruining my chances of hitting up Darwin in the wet season to capture the amazing light shows they get up there...
  9. i use to be massive on photography a year or two ago.... But work life and other hobbies have gotten in the way but i found these on my computer today.... Porties is such a photogenic place to take photos. Probably my favourite place that i took the majority of my photos... Photos taken with an Canon 6d mk ii and a dji mavic pro drone...
  10. Hey all Been quiet on the fishing/painting front with me... Been working my arse off at work to start getting to look at purchasing my 1st house .. So with that been hindering my fishing time with all the overtime I've been doing... my car decided to shit itself again 2months later im only getting it back on Monday! Bloody Covid! So it's been a pretty stressful couple months... But when it hasn't been cold out in the shed i have been painting up a few lures here and there for my own personal use... I have been using a new clear coat that is alot quicker and harder t
  11. Hey all, Quick update Work has been stupid crazy and got a few personal things going on aswell. But will be getting back into the painting tonight and this weekend.... I am about to put a big order in for my YFW whiting topwater blanks aswell as several new different types of blanks getting ready for the opening up of the Ressies down south.... Keep an eye out
  12. Thanks for the kind words mate. Much appreciated.. i hope it slays you a few trout when you get back out there! They certainly the best ones I've painted to date and will be keeping with that pattern for all my trout lures from now on!
  13. Added the pattern onto some of them this morning. Stencils are the best thing ever to add another dimension to lures... added 3 different stencils to 3 different baits... Just needs sealant then clear coat Nd eyes and they are ready to smash PBs The middle one is my favourite out of the lot!
  14. So update on Softys Callop Lures. After i had applied the base coat of Yellow i added pearl orange to the sides of the lure.... I then added Pearl Pineapple to the belly to give the yellow a little more pop! Then i added an colour called Detail Sepia which is an dark brown. I added it to the top of the bait I have now used an transparent sealer over the top of the bait so i can add the stencil pattern tomorrow. The sealent is just a safe guard when using stencils that it doesn't scratch or damage the paint... So tomorrow the pat
  15. My latest project Softy asked for some callop lures so after some research and finding some to suit the depths and conditions for the variety of ways people will fish them. So after 2 weeks they finally arrived. So decided to prep and start placing the sealent undercoat and base coat tonight to let it dry overnight to add the next colours to it... Softy gave me a photo of one of his favourite lure patterns so i am going to replicate it but put my own twist on it... The lures are 100m from start of bib to tail end. (Only 5mm larger than the popular Daiwa rpm crank
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