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BarneyB last won the day on October 15 2017

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About BarneyB

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 26/05/1954

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  • Interests
    Boating, fishing, camping, Bourbon etc (not always in that order)

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  1. Our economic value to the state is actually far higher than that of the commercial sector.....
  2. Options 1 and 2 appear to me to give PIRSA too much say...........
  3. First we need an organisation looking after our interests that can be trusted to actually do the job. The present mob only see the licence as a way to bigger pay cheques for themselves. Yes, Victoria has shown it can be done well given the right management. Personally the cost does not concern me as I am exempt under the Victorian model, my major concern is that we need a major shake up of the system in SA BEFORE a licence is implemented.
  4. And Pasteta, which is made from pork liver and bacon
  5. Thanks Adrian, my Pam loves it and Milly the dog gets excited as soon as she smells the liver, begs for her share. Thanks also Underpants, will be trying your Pate.
  6. Are you willing to share that recipe mate?
  7. Have a look here mate: http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/266421/Rock_lobster_brochure.pdf
  8. Have not bought it but would like to, a Power Ray 1. Setup The 8-pound drone can run for about four hours on a two-hour charge as far as 98 feet below the surface. It uses sonar to collect data from surrounding objects, which accompanying software analyzes in search of fish. 2. Use The PowerRay relays images to an accompanying handheld controller or smartphone attached via a 150-foot cable. The drone can drop bait near a hook and shine its light to lure fish.
  9. Reminds me of why I wanted to settle in Darwin, but Pam did not like the humidity, funny how it did not effect her when we lived in Malaysia. Great pics as usual Adrian. Saw way too much snow down there when we did our snow survival training at Cradle Mountain.
  10. All good mate but the last one is a winner.
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